chapter thirty

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+ S C A R L E T T   D ' A N G E L O +

My mind was completely blown at everything Martinez had told me.

I was writing down everything, recording the whole conversation. "When we arrive, we're going to be met with Dmitri. Do you ever remember your father telling you about a man named Dmitri?" He asked me.

I shook my head, yawning as I lay back in my seat.

"Dmitri is dangerous. He's the one that was smuggling all your fathers drugs and illegal imports from other countries." 

I shot right back up, "He's my dads international smuggler?" I asked, Martinez nodded. "I know what you're thinking kid. You can't kill, bribe or seduce Dmitri, he's not stupid. The only thing you can do is trust him." 

"Why should I trust him? I've never met him before." I shrugged.

"Because." Martinez paused, glancing out his window, "He's the one thats going to get you in and out, without a scratch." He smirked.

I looked to Cass who was busy looking out the window, a trash-magazine in her hand. "And what if something happens to me?" 

"...Lets hope that doesn't happen." 

+ + + l̶͍̮̖͍̄̈́o̸̖͚̤̘̘̤̘̫̐v̸͕̿͋̚͝͝͠e̴̛̥͈͚̤̎̍͂̄̉̒͝͝ͅ + + +

We arrived in Barcelona a little after eleven in the morning. The sun was out and beating down on my neck. 

Like Martinez said, we were welcomed by Dmitri, who took us back to his apartment. It was cool in there. Everything was white and metallic, very sleek.

"You are the daughter eh?" Dmitri asked, twirling a toothpick around his lips. He was younger than I thought, maybe mid-thirties? Full head of hair, impressive body, very attractive face.

Not as attractive as Kai though. For some reason, every guy I meet or see, doesn't compare to Kai. I don't even want to look at them unless they're Kai.

I held out my hand, placing my weapon on the bench.

Showing you have a weapon and choosing to reveal it is a sign of respect within the gang world. And judging by Dmitri's face, he seemed thankfuk.

He shook my hand, "You are very attractive young girl." He smiled, "I can understand the feud between rivalries as they beg for your hand." 

I put my head down, "Fortunately for me, I haven't heard of such activities yet, not that I'd want too." I sucked in a breath, "I'm not an item to be fought over." 

I heard a whistle and turned my head, seeing another man, similar looking to Dmitri, but younger.

"You are wise to speak to Dmitri like that. Do you not care for your life?"

I shrugged, "After I kill my father and I watch him die, I don't care what happens to me." Cassidy looked shit-scared out of her mind, standing rock still by the wall, head down.

Dmitri hummed, "Seeing as you are doing me a favor, and beheading the man who owes me a great deal of favors, can I offer you something in return?" 

I looked into Dmitri's eyes, a small smirk upturning the corners of his lips. "What did you have in mind?" 

"I can excuse all of your fathers unpaid debts, if you deliver his head to me." He said. I swallowed, trying my best to keep calm. "What's in it for me? You said you'd offer me something." 

The man behind me was now standing next to me, giving me a side-eye glance.

"Give me his head and then we'll talk." 

I shook my head, standing up straight as I retrieved my gun and placed it back in it's original place, "That wasn't the deal." I said calmly.

Dmitri chuckled, "I make the rules, little girl. Not you." 

I swore at him under my breath, looking back at Cassidy.

"Andrias will escort you to your fathers palace." Dmitri nodded. The man beside him who I now knew was Andrias grabbed my arms, dragging me away.

He grabbed Cassidy on the way out, both of us struggling to keep up with his fast steps. 

We got all the way to the underground parking lot when he let go of us, not saying a word until we were securely tucked inside a black car, tinted windows and everything.

My heart was beating so fast against my chest I was afraid it would come out. 

My knee throbbed, I was sweating, and the gun barrel was pressing into my skin. "You have- what do the American's say? Balls." Andrias spoke, looking back at us through the rear-view mirror. 

"Balls for talking back to Dmitri. He doesn't like back-talkers." 

I gulped, deathly afraid right now. These guys are no joke. And I hate I bought Cassidy with me too, this is just putting her life at risk too.

"We need to figure out what happened to Steven and Kai's Mom, what if they survived the explosion? What are they planning to do?" She didn't seem phased. More focused on the task at hand than anything else.

"Are you not freaking the fuck out right now?" I whispered, leaning in so she could hear me more? She shook her head, "No way, this shit is exciting to me. The whole time at Dmitri's, I was googling the wedding." 

I blinked, "You're crazy." 

"Scarlett's friend." We both look to Andrias, "You stay here. Password is 047." I look to Cass then back to the building. It was in the middle of the city, it can't be too dangerous.

"Just until Scarlett is finished with job. Then, you reunite. Simple." Andrias shrugged.

I looked at Cassidy, "You'll be good. Besides, you have your tracker and we can pinpoint each other at any time. And, I have my phone on me." I smiled.

"For now." Cass winked, "I feel like- I feel like I should be the one trying to comfort you, not the other way around. I'm shitting my pants right now." 

Cassidy laughed, "I've been through this shit before with Sabrina. Besides, you're the one who has to kill someone, I just have to be held hostage in this apartment for a few hours."  

I shook my head, watching her leave. I waved goodbye before my frown became apparent on my face again, and Andrias drove away.

I sank lower and lower into my seat. Only sitting up once we stop.

I look out the window, a giant neon-glowing sign is staring me right in the face.

Aphrodite's Palace.

What the fuck.

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Hi guysss, how are you?

I'm soooo excited for the next few chapters, I hope you are too!!
Don't worry, the two lovers reunite soon, sooner than you think. I promise!

Happy reading, thanks so much Xx

Liar, Liar, Liar | 18+Where stories live. Discover now