chapter thirteen

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+ S C A R L E T   D ' A N G E L O +

I was the last person to enter the meeting.

Everyone was huddled in the kitchen, Kai standing on the ledge outside with the sliding glass door open. Did I mention this house is huge?

I could barely hear him so I pushed my way so I could see him better. Like he was expecting me, he smiled as I came into view, continuing to talk.

I zoned out staring at his pretty lips. Especially the way they kiss me.

Joseph caught my eye as he stood behind Kai, to the side a bit. He winked and I winked back, having a conversation with my eyes.

"We are under attack." This brings my attention back to the focus of the discussion.

"Unfortunately, my second in command McKenzie has been... altered." He says, "He is no longer with us as he is a traitor. And those of you who had to clean up his body, see exactly what happens if somebody betrays me."

People began to murmur, their eyes turning to me.

I suddenly felt exposed, like people were beginning to realise who I was. Considering I was the only chick here, and one of the only daughters in the mafia world, it wouldn't take long for someone to put two and two together.

"What about the D'Angelo girl? How long is she with you til?" A man gruffed, glaring at me. "As of right now I do not know. The alliance her father had with mine was severed when my father passed away, so he is no longer an ally, he is an enemy." 

I swallowed, looking down at my feet.

"Venom have consistently shown signs of betrayal and threatened my father's gang, the gang he spent time building from the ground up with his father, the original leader of the Vipers." Kai looked so handsome standing up there, ruling like a king.

I swooned over the veins in his hands, "I'm on your side." I blurted out, the anxiety of being at war with my father pushing me over the edge.

Kai stopped mid-sentence, staring at me. 

Joseph caught onto my nervousness and nodded, mouthing a 'you got this'.

I realised what I had said and sunk lower into my shoulders, "What'd you say?" A guy asked me. "I'm on your side." I stepped out of the shadows, taking a place next to Kai as I overlooked the people in front of me.

"I do not like my father. I don't like the way he treats people. He is a horrible, disgusting man and I want nothing more than to see him defeated." I was speaking from the heart this time, a few tears threatening to fall.

I had never wished my fathers reign to fall out loud before. I'd ever only wished it in my head.

Someone stepped forward, holding a gun up.

"How are we supposed to believe you?" He pointed the gun at me.

Immediately Kai and Joseph raised their guns, "Put it down Luke." Kai said calmly, "How do we know we can trust her? She's a D'Angelo, she could be working for them."

I stared at this Luke guy directly in the eyes, the barrel of his gun pressed against my forehead.

"Don't you think if I were working for my father, our location would've been compromised by now?" 

Liar, Liar, Liar | 18+Where stories live. Discover now