chapter twenty eight

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+ S C A R L E T T   D ' A N G E L O +

I tapped my foot impatiently.

I'd been at the docks for ten minutes, no sign of Chris.

That is until he emerged from behind a tree, walking slowly toward me. I met him halfway, "I told you an hour. Not an hour and ten minutes." I said.

"What happened to you?" He asked.

I sighed, "Got punched in the face by Sabrina Knightingale. Brass knuckles, I'm assuming." I rolled my eyes at her amateurness. "Only pussies use brass knuckles." I said, checking my phone.

"Expecting someone?" He asked. I shook my head, "No, I was at the wedding and a few bombs went off. No biggy." 

Chris chuckled, "You really are your fathers-daughter." 

I glared at him, "I don't mean it like that. I mean, the only good quality about your father is, he's able to blow off injuries and big problems and turn them small, so they don't affect others." 

I scrunched up my face, "So I'm selfless? That doesn't sound like my father." 

Chris chuckles, waving his hand, "It's not important. What's up? I've got a wife and kids at home that need to be fed." 

I smiled at that comment. Chris was the only one in the entire gang I actually liked. He was always nice to me, and every time my father would beat me, he would sneak into my room and give me ice packs and pain medication.

The only reason Chris hasn't left yet is because my father is holding his family's life over his head. Threatening him with things like if you leave I'll kill your family.

Yes, my father is a cunt.

"I want to kill my Dad." I said calmly. Chris looked taken back, "What?" 

"You heard me. I want to kill him. I hate him and he deserves everything I'm going to do to him."

Chris looked around, "So why am I here? What do you need me for?"

"You know his address in Spain, and where he works, all that kind of information." He looked skeptical, "I promise you your family's safety if you help me out."

Chris sighed, rubbing his face. "I can have it all to you by tonight. But be careful kid, you don't know what your father is capable of... especially now he has former allies wanting to get revenge. He has wards up, guards, cameras, the lot."

I nodded, "Thank you." 

"How're you getting there?" 

I checked my phone again, seeing a notification from 3 minutes ago, "A helicopter. I booked a private one under a different name and I'll be in Spain by 9 tonight." 

Chris frowned, "Call if you need backup okay? Most of us hate that son of a bitch."

I smiled, "Thanks Chris." 

+ + + l̶͍̮̖͍̄̈́o̸̖͚̤̘̘̤̘̫̐v̸͕̿͋̚͝͝͠e̴̛̥͈͚̤̎̍͂̄̉̒͝͝ͅ + + +

I waited patiently for the phone call that never came.

I never heard if Kai and Joseph were alright.

The panicking, sinking feeling in my stomach is being overweighed by the stress on my shoulders. There's no doubt in my mind that my Dad had something to do with this.

He gave me all the signs, told me not to go, he heard rumors or bloodshed... he's apart of this.

Cassidy was calling my phone for the third time in two minutes, desperately trying to figure out where I am.

Liar, Liar, Liar | 18+Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora