chapter twenty three

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+ K A I   M O R E L L O +

"What the hell do you want Sabrina." 

My jaw ticked with annoyance.

She was wearing a tight black dress and long heels, her hair pulled into a slick ponytail with long eyelash-thingys.

"I've missed you Kai, I wanted to catch up." 

I stood up, "I'm not here to chat. We broke up for a reason, remember?" I swore.

Instead, I was pushed back down by one of her bodyguards, sending me a mean look.

Sabrina sighed, "Yes, I do feel bad about that. Jackson's dead to me though, literally." She giggled. 

She cheated on me with her best friend Jackson. And when I found out and broke up with her, she killed him. And sent me the video.

"It's not just that, Sabrina. You hurt innocent people." 

She pouted, "What was her name again? Jasmine? Juliette?" 

I gritted my teeth. Scarlett's mother. "I take it you haven't told the girl yet?" Sabrina smirked, "I wouldn't either. I mean she's so cute and obviously has a crush on you, why would you want to break her heart like that." 

I stayed quiet.

Sabrina had messaged me out of the blue one night after I got home from Scarlett's. Apparently she's been watching me for a while.

Sabrina had paid Jerry McFarlane to lie for her and say that she died of cancer. Instead, Scarlett's mother died of several gunshot wounds to the body. 

For standing in line at a grocery store.

I found out after I told Scarlett I didn't know anything.

The guilt is eating me alive. I don't know how to tell her, she'd hate me forever. And I don't want her to hate me. 

"Leave Scarlett out of this, please. You've done enough." 

Sabrina chuckled, walking over to me, "So now you're begging? Wow, she really has changed you." 

"I haven't changed." I spat, "I'm just better. Unlike you." 

Sabrina's beady brown eyes stared at me, menacingly. "Throwing insults like we're in high school again, well done, Kai. I can tell you've changed." She rolled her eyes.

She clicked something on her computer, tilting the screen to me before coming to sit next to me. I could smell her perfume that used to make me weak in the knees.

Now I'm just revolted. 

My heart sank when I saw Scarlett's apartment. There was a camera somewhere in her house that overlooked her entire living room and kitchen.

She was sitting on her bar stool, dressed so beautiful. In a red dress and heels, her makeup and hair done. My heart swooned. 

But she was crying. She kept checking the time on her phone and tapping her fingers. 

"What did you do?" I said lowly.

Sabrina shrugged, "I told her you were gonna meet her two hours ago, pick her up, take her on a date. Except you never showed." 

I clenched my fists, "You're a horrible person, you know that right?" 

She winked, "I learned from the best." 

"You have two options here, Kai." Sabrina started, switching the screen off, "You stop talking to that whiny little whore and get back with me, and we rule together. Or, you say goodbye to your little friend." 

"And your brother." 

I shot out of my seat and charged at her, "You leave Joseph out of this." I spat, "You touched one fucking hair on either of their heads and I will shoot you right here." 

Her bodyguards held me back. "I fucking hate you, Sabrina."

Sabrina just stared, "No, you don't." 

 + + + l̶͍̮̖͍̄̈́o̸̖͚̤̘̘̤̘̫̐v̸͕̿͋̚͝͝͠e̴̛̥͈͚̤̎̍͂̄̉̒͝͝ͅ + + +

I was left with an ultimatum. 

Either cut everything I have with Scarlett off, or risk her and Joseph's life. 

Sabrina had left me alone in this room. I hadn't managed to reach Joseph but my men had assured me had was safe. I sent them to watch Scarlett's door too, just in case.

I stared at the phone in my hand. Hesitation lingered before I dialled her number. It went to voicemail, and I cherished her happy tone before I never got to hear it again.

"... Leave a message and I'll get back to you."

I breathed in, "Hey Scar-lett." I corrected, clearing my throat, "I'm sorry but- whatever this... thing is that we have, it has to end. I'm not-" I paused, "I don't like you, like that. I never did. Never call me again." 

I never cry but shockingly enough, I felt my eyes get hot.

Holy shit I think I love her.

Too bad I have to watch from a distance. 

"Good choice." Sabrina said. 

I wondered how long she was standing behind me, but I already knew. She now controlled my life, again. And this time I can't escape.

The only reason we got together was because our fathers had arranged the marriage for us, and the only reason I got out, is because of bad press.

But now there's nothing I can do.

 + + + l̶͍̮̖͍̄̈́o̸̖͚̤̘̘̤̘̫̐v̸͕̿͋̚͝͝͠e̴̛̥͈͚̤̎̍͂̄̉̒͝͝ͅ + + +

Hi guys, short chapter I know!!! I'm sorry!!

How are we feeling though? I hate Sabrina so much. But she gets so, so much worse. My poor baby Scarlett. She can't cope!

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