chapter five

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+ S C A R L E T T D ' A N G E L O +

Unfortunately I was still alive.

I couldn't tell if I was dying or if my body was in shock, but whatever it was, I hated it.

I was alone in this room. I don't know how long it's been.

There was the smell of death lingering and I thought it was me, until my eyes adjusted to the shitty light and saw a dead body in the corner, laying in a pool of his own blood.

What the fuck is going on?

"Help!" I tried to call, rattling my chains against the walls, but nothing. "Somebody, please!" I screamed. My throat was going raw.

I felt like there was no hope for me.

I didn't know if those guys had come back and done anything else while I was asleep, but my lower abdomen was in so much pain, I don't know if I'lll make it til tomorrow.

It's still dripping blood - which probably isn't a good thing.

I screamed in agony, writhing to release some of the pressure. I contorted my body in a way in which I was comfortable. My arms were limp and my hands wouldn't move.

Eventually the door opened again and another man walked in.

I could hear the faint sounds of sirens, and an alarm blaring. But it sounded so distant.

"You're a pretty wee thing aren't ya?" Someone said.

My vision was blurry, I could barely make out if there was one person or two. "W-what do you want with me?" I croaked.

A hand touched my face, "If you weren't off limits from the boss I would so do dirty, dirty things to you." He stroked my skin, gripping my neck.

I squirmed under his touch, trying to get away.

He made a growling noise and I felt his hands go lower, until they touched my breasts.

"No, please." I pleaded, "Please don't."

I begged for him to stop, "Not again, please no."

"McKenzie, report back."

McKenzie? Where have I heard that name before?

The voice came through again on the walkie talkie, "Yeah she's here boss."

I cringed, gritting my teeth.

He squeezed me one last time, taking a step back before the clatter of footsteps barged into the room.

"Scarlett? Oh my God."

Kai's sweet face was the only thing I could focus on. He held up my head with his hands, worry-stricken face studying me.

"Are you okay?" He breathed slowly. I couldn't even muster the courage to nod.

"Get me out of here. Please."

I felt violated. Ruined. Disgusting.

Liar, Liar, Liar | 18+Where stories live. Discover now