chapter fourteen

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+ S C A R L E T T   D ' A N G E L O +

I ducked my head down, undoing my seatbelt so I could maneuver myself around the car easier. Angus put his protective bullet proof glass divider up like I suggested, driving faster than before.

I tried Kai's phone twice and he didn't answer.

I was running our of options on what to do here.

Obviously taking charge of the situation while I was still alive, I pointed the gun, peering through the window to take aim.

The car was following in hot pursuit, almost crashing into us.

The road we were on had a dessert beside us. Thankfully if we crashed we wouldn't roll, we'd just get stuck on some cacti.

"Miss, I can't get a hold of Kai." Angus said, "I know, neither can I. Just keep driving."

I squinted, pulling the trigger and shooting three times. It hit the front bumper, richocheting off and rolling onto the road behind him.

The driver of that car ducked, swerving to miss the other flying bullets.

I thought I lost him for a second, before he came up next to the car.

I scrambled away, tucking my feet onto the seat as the metal of the car door caved inwards with dents from the bullets. 

I tried Kai again, still no answer.

"Shit, fuck." I swore. The back window in the car had been completely smashed and it was hard not to get glass everywhere.

Just then, the car heaved to the right. I fell onto the floor, glass embedding itself into my skin as the car tipped over, rolling a few times before landing up-right in the dessert.

I guess I was wrong, if we can crash we can roll.

Thankfully there was no other cars that I could see, so nobody else would get injured.

"Angus? Angus are you alright?" I asked, pushing the divider down.

Angus nodded, bright red blood squirting from his forehead. My eyes went wide, noticing the gash that was open.

"Shit, we've gotta get out of here." 

Angus shook his head, "I've been given clear instructions not to let you leave the vehicle until we've arrived back in New York."

I shook my head, unlocking the door. I could see the other car making a u-turn as it started driving back to us.

"Angus, I'm gonna get out now. I need to stop this guy."

Angus shook his head again, he was crying now, "Miss, please don't-"

I didn't listen to him and got out anyway, slamming the door shut and hiding behind the car. 

Was this an extremely stupid idea? Probably, yes.

The glass in my back was pressed against the car and I cringed from pain, inspecting my bleeding palms as I gripped the gun.

I couldn't hear anymore driving so I looked around, seeing no cars.

Just as I was about to stand up, a hand gripped the back of my hair, pulling it down.

I yelped, kicking my legs.

"Gotcha." The man smirked, licking his devious lips. He looked me up and down, dragging me across the dirt. I screamed in agony, writhing against him.

"Please!" I pleaded, "Please let me go!" I tried to grab my hair but he just grabbed it tighter. There was already a headache forming from his grasp as he dragged me to his car. 

"You've been on my sights for a long time. Can't wait to see your father's reaction when his precious daughter body turns up dead on his doorstep." The guy laughed menacingly, throwing me against the boot of his car.

I landed on my back, struggling to stand.

When I got to my knees, the man put his gun to my head, pulling the trigger back.

I squeezed my eyes so hard I could see stars. Anything's better than this feeling. "Any last words?" He asked. I shook my head.

When I thought the blow was about to come, it didn't. Instead, I heard a thud and then struggling. I peeled my eyes open, seeing Angus and this guy on the ground.

Angus was probably on his fifties, but I noticed from the second he picked me up that he looked muscular. Probably ex-army.

But as my mind drifted from muscles, to Kai to the scene in front of me, I realised I needed to help him.

"Get off him!" I yelled, charging for the guy.

I jumped on his back, "LET US GO!" I screamed in his ear. He threw me off him, pulling the trigger again as I scrambled to my feet. 

Angus was still laying on the ground whilst I prayed to God for the last time. Until, Angus swiped at the mans legs, causing him to fall to the ground.

"ANGUS!" My voice broke as the man pointed the gun to Angus, pulling the trigger and shot Angus to the ground. He grimaced, hitting the ground with a thud.

I tried to go to him, but the guy caught me by my arm, "No you don't." 

"I have waited too damn long to waste this moment." He said, I was still holding my gun, clicking the safety off behind my back.

His arm was shaking, his chest heaving up and down while sweat beaded on his forehead. I had glass in my skin and cactus pricks all over my body. I felt defeated.

"You and your family have caused nothing but pain, to so many people." 

I nodded, "I know. I'm so sorry-"

"SHUT IT." He screamed, "My wife. Was a good person, she never hurt anyone. And your father took her from me. In front of my eyes." 

My lip trembled. "My father is a horrible person. And I'm so sorry about your wife." 

He fired a warning shot into the ground beside me, making me flinch.

"What did I say about shutting up?" His eyes were wide and crazy, "She was innocent. We just celebrated our twentieth wedding anniversary when your father shot her in a restaurant because he 'felt like it'." 

My heart hammered against my chest. 

I pulled out the gun I was holding and aimed it to his head height, he didn't expect that.

Instead, he laughed. "You don't have the balls to kill someone. I bet you never have." He laughed, "I bet you never have either." I threatened, "Because by the sounds of it, you were innocent, right?" 

He blinked, "You only want revenge because my father killed your wife." 

Shut up Scarlett, shut up!

"I bet you've never killed anyone either." 

My phone was vibrating in my back pocket, I knew it had to be Kai. I wanted so badly to pick up the phone and talk to him, let him tell me everything would be okay.

Just then, the man charged at me, running full speed with his gun.

I didn't even react. I just pulled the trigger.

The gunshot rang in my ears, the gunpowder scent made my nose hurt.

My eyes were wide as I shook, hard. 

The man was now on his back, sputtering as blood poured out of his face. He looked at me once before I saw him completely stop moving. 

Oh my God.

I just killed someone.

+ + + l̶͍̮̖͍̄̈́o̸̖͚̤̘̘̤̘̫̐v̸͕̿͋̚͝͝͠e̴̛̥͈͚̤̎̍͂̄̉̒͝͝ͅ + + +

Hi guys.

So, Scarlett finally killed someone. What do we think is going to happen next? Will there be repercussions of her actions? Or will she walk free.

Happy reading Xx

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