Can You Stick Around?

519 22 45

Scene 1: Chemistry

Leo Rylin

"Get into groups of 4, please," Mr. Vogel directed. "Don't be shy. There should be no odd numbers."

Lisa looked at Tony and he waved her over to our table. The problem is Lisa is Heather's partner...

And she's mad at me again.

I could tell by her face that she was a little annoyed with Lisa for picking us, but she kept it quiet and avoided eye contact when they approached.

"Hi," Lisa spoke.

"What's up?"

"This is my favorite class," she said happily while taking a seat.

"Spoken like a future scientist," Tony replied.

"We can divide the tasks, so there will be fewer things to do."

"Good idea."

"Oh, I almost forgot I saw you yesterday!"

"When? I would have spoken to you."

"I was outside." Lisa smiled, "and you were dress shopping."

He nodded. "Sabrina wanted my opinion on a few gowns she's thinking of wearing to the autumn ball."

"No one has asked me yet..."

"Why don't you ask someone, then?" Heather said.

"I am afraid of afraid that I don't even reject people."

"You can go alone too. I would."

"You aren't bringing a date?" She said in surprise. "We can take each other. Do you know what color you are wearing?"

"I don't think I'm going."

"Why not?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"It isn't as fun as it's planned to be."

"We had fun last year."

"We were outside."

I shrugged. "I count it."

"Could you hear the music that far?" Tony questioned.

"I just kept something playing in my head. I don't remember what."

It was my favorite song for two months.

I'd say it if she already knew, but it's too late now. Too late to tell her that I heard love songs when I held her.

"I could hear it," Heather said.

"What was on?"

"Without You by Air Supply."

"Oh, I was way off when dancing with you then."

She shook her head. "I didn't notice."

"Why'd you let me lead?"

"Because you asked me to dance."

I chuckled. "You really like dancing. Cars, stores, anywhere."

"She does dance through stores," Lisa agreed,  both of us smiling at Heather while she shied away from the conversation.

"Yeah, it's cute. I thought about bribing the managers or something to play songs she likes."

"You would do the same if no one was around," Heather said to me.

"No, I'm not into it."

"When we watched Fame you were inspired."

"Inspired?" I chuckled.

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