12 - Peculiar

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It wasn't a joyful moments. Toge hurt his vocal cords, Megumi hurt his knee and ankle. For Nori, Shoko is treating him carefully. Lucky him, the poison didn't travel further inside his body. Of course, he scoffed when Hinatsuru asked for his condition.

"Tch." He looks away. The girl sigh, before she leave the infirmary. She has nothing to do. She unlocks her phone, before she see a message from Suguru. Smiling, she replied with a red heart emoji.

My favourite person, are you having a great day, today?

Hina simply keep her phone in her pocket. She walks into her room, but her face turns quite sour when she see Satoru is waiting in front of her door.

"What is it?" Hina asks.

"You'll be promoted to grade 2 sorcerer." He said. Hina sigh, nodding.

"Alright. Thank you for telling." She then push his body a bit, as she wants to enter her room. Hina is tired.

Satoru grabs her arm, before he make Hina look at him. He sigh a few times.

"We need to visit Kamo residence, tomorrow. At evening, around 6." He said. Hina simply nod.

"Alright." She replied.

"Wait, is that your only response?" Satoru look at her. Hina sigh, before remove his hand away from her.

"I'm tired, Gojo sensei. See ya." Hinatsuru open her door, before smash it right on Satoru's face. Yet, he could smell something inside her room. Before, he remembered that Shoko said about poison and toxins she found in Yuji's body.

He then knock the door, but Hina didn't bother to open it. She's tired, physically and mentally. She has no motivation. 

"Hinatsuru, open the door." He knocks, again. Hina, who just wrapped herself in the blanket sigh. The knocks annoyed her, so she open her door, wide.

"What?" She asks. Satoru rushed inside her room, before he close the door. Hina let out a heavy sigh, before she grabs the knob. Satoru grabs her arm, telling her to not to.

She flinched, before pull her arm away from him. As Hina already standing, she go to the bathroom, before she throw all her daggers inside a small box. She will take her bath, after Satoru left the room. 

He's still there, standing and try to pry her secrets.

Hina didn't say anything, but she remain standing on the bathroom door. Satoru starts to cough. Hina sigh, before she open the window, wide. She also increase the fan speed in her room. Tch.

"Get out." She said.

"Uhuk! What the-" Satoru feels drowsy. Hinatsuru rushed towards the door, before she open it wide. She then grab Satoru by hand, before push him out of the room.

Satoru literally breath for his life. Hina close her door, tight.

"What are you doing?" She asks.

"I- uhuk! What is-"

"Carbon monoxide. That's why, I don't let anyone enter my room." Hinatsuru calmly explained.

Satoru finally feel okay. He just feel like he's in the brink of death before.

Hinatsuru sigh, before she enters her room back. She close the door, before lock it. Hina then close her window tight, before undo her clothes. She need shower for the day. She throw it all inside the washing machine, before plug on.

As she's busy taking a bath, Hina take a long time to think of few things. She's not Nori little sister anymore, but why she felt hurt by his actions? Why she doesn't left him to die? Do Nori hate her that much?

After nearly an hour in the shower, Hina then exit the bathroom and wear her bathrobe. She decided to iron all of her uniform for the week. She also iron a few clothes and dresses, that might not be needed but she's just bored anyway.

Hina then decided to hang her clothes after she done ironing. She wears a long red hoodie that reach her thigh and put all the clean clothes inside a basket.

Hinatsuru tie her long hair to a ponytail, before she grab the basket and leave her room. She didn't lock the door, without knowing that Satoru would enter her room, again. But he came prepared. He wears a gas mask!

Satoru then looks around in her room. Nothing much, accept a few bottles without label- no. It has label.

Lots of poison, toxins and venom were found inside her drawer. Satoru kinda... Surprised, when half of the bottles has at least half or less left inside. He then suprised, and nearly drop a bottle when the door closed, loudly.

"What are you doing?" Hinatsuru annoyed. She hate it when someone keep their butt inside her privacy.

"I just-"

"You even prepared a gas mask for this. How cool. Give me that. Don't touch my belongings. Get out." Hinatsuru grabs the bottle on his hand. She looks at the label. Black widow's.

She sigh.

"Leave, Gojo san." Hinatsuru doesn't want to argue more.

"What are you doing with these substance?" He asks. Without shame, he even sit on her bed without permission.

"I drink it." She stated.

At first, Satoru laughs when he heard that. Hinatsuru raise her brow, before sigh.

"Then, left." She stated.

"Wait, I still don't finish laughing." He still giggles, thinking that drinking poison is funny.

Hina open the cork on the bottle, before she emptied all the substance inside the bottle. It make Satoru stop laughing.

"You... You're joking right? It's not the real poison, right?" He asks.

Hinatsuru take a drop of the venom, before she put it on top of his arm. Less than a minute, it starts to swell. Satoru could feel pain come stinging at his arm.

"It is. Now, get out. Or, if you insist to stay, I will get out." Hinatsuru put the bottle of the table, before she left her room. She knocks on Megumi's door. Oh, Yuji and Nobara is also there. They're eating pizza, without her.

But yeah, Megumi is on the bed with bandages.

"Hi, Hina! Are you feel good?" Nobara asks, before she offers a seat. Hina nod, before she sit down. Her feets feel cold, but she ignore it.

"Did you want some pizza?" Yuji offers. Hinatsuru shook her head.

She remained silent, before playing with her fingers. Hina then look outside the window. It's calm.

Then, someone knock on Megumi's door. Yuji open the door, before he could see Satoru, with his face mask.

"Gojo sensei? What are you doing here?" Yuji asked. Megumi slowly shift his gaze towards Hinatsuru. She didn't look at Satoru anymore. She starts to daydream and enjoy the views outside his window.

"Hinatsuru. You need to come with me." Satoru called. Hina didn't say anything, but her gaze doesn't leave the scenery outside Megumi's room.

"Hina..." Nobara slowly pat her back. Hinatsuru looks surprised, but she look at Nobara.

"Um, yeah?"

"He's calling for ya." Nobara pointed at Satoru. Hinatsuru nod.

"Sure..." She stand up, before walks towards Satoru.

Who knows what things he have in mind?


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