27 - Nanami 5

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It is the third day, Hinatsuru reminds herself. It's the last day of her evalutation. Anxious, Hinatsuru grabs her towel and clothes to the toilet and take a bath. She wash her hair, lather herself with soap and so on. It smells like rose in the toilet.

She dry her hair with the hairdryer, before yawns a few times in front of a mirror. After Hinatsuru's hair are half dry, she exit the toilet. Suprisingly, Kento already sitting on the chair at the table.

"You're eating ramen?" Hinatsuru calm herself, to not laugh. Kento turns around, blinks a few times at the petite girl.

"Yeah. Do you want some?" He asks. She smile.


So, the two enjoy different ramen in the morning. It's around 7 or so, still too early. Hinatsuru then ties her hair to a bun. She let out a sigh after she finished her bowl. She support her cheek with her left palm, waiting for Kento to say something.

Kento realize that Hinatsuru is looking at him, so he clears his throat. 

"What is it, Hina?" He asked.

"No, just about the mission." She smile. 

"Oh yeah. Actually, that's all. Yesterday is the last mission. Do you want to go back or else?" Kento stated. Hina simply nod, without saying anything at first.

She take out her phone, before glance at a few messages from Florist. She didn't reply to him yet, but he still write to her.

"Oh, let's get back after lunch. I want to look around first." Hinatsuru suggested. Kento simply nod, before he sips his instant coffee.

"Sure. We can do that." He stated.

So, the two agree to walks around Osaka, taking some fresh air. Meaning, break free from sorcerer worlds for a while. Hinatsuru is busy replying to Suguru about a few things, until Kento come with some pastries and drinks. He could see Hina looks happy.

"Nanami, thanks for the food." Hina smile. She realize that Kento is right behind her, and he might caught a glance from her messages.

"You're welcome." He said, before sit on the bench. As Hina drinking her iced tea, she look at Kento with a smile.

"I know you want to ask." She said.

"Um, yeah. I do, curious. You look happier." Kento comes clean. Hina giggles.

"Hey, will you trust me if I said that Suguru Geto is still alive?" Hina let out a genuine smile. Kento looks surprised, caught off guard. He is pretty sure that Suguru already died last year in the terrorist attack, Night Parade of a Hundred Demons.

"What do you mean? Hina, I'm sure he's dead." Kento stated. Hinatsuru put down her cup, before touch his shoulder.

"He is, but his body is still a walking flesh." Hina frowned. Kento look at her. Should he trust her?

"Hm, Satoru told me that his body does not get cremate." Kento look at her grey eyes, which shows happiness, sadness and confusion.

"I know he's dead, Nanami. I was there. I know, it's just- hard. It's hard to see another people using his body and be kind to me. They can just ignore me, but they didn't." Hina bite her lips. She wants to cry right now.

"What are you saying now, is it true?" He asked. He wants confirmation.

"You know where did I stay after I left Kamo clan and broke my engagement? His place. We're together." Hina look at Kento.

His eyes met hers. She wasn't lying, Kento could see that.

"Then, who is him?"

"Not sure, must be someone evil. I don't really care, though. I just, miss Suguru so much. I told them that I knew he wasn't Suguru, a lot of time. But yeah, he stayed." 

"Does Satoru knows about this?" Kento asked.

"Hah, like I want to tell him."

"Then, why did you tell me Hina?" Kento look at the petite woman, who now stand up from the bench. She take a deep breath, before exhale.

"Because, I know you would never tell him. Also, I want you to know that if something bad happened to me or any sorcerers, they must be connected in this." 

"You spend a few nights with a devil?" He raise his brow.

"Well, at least he's nice! He lent me his clothes, treat me nicely, not like some white haired jackass. He respect me, even though we're sleeping in the same bed. He didn't rape me like Sukuna did." Hinatsuru rolled her eyes.

Kento sigh. Shit, this is hard for him.

"I'm sorry."

"Well, you didn't do anything wrong though. Don't apologize." She suddenly smile.

"Right. Then, let's go home. I don't want to do any overtime here." He stretch his neck a few times. Hina claps her hands twice, before grinning.

"Yes, let's go, Nanami."

The two then pack up all their belongings in the motel before put it in the car.

My love, are you busy? I miss you.

I'm not. Just headed to the school. Wanna meet? I miss you too.

Alright. Let's meet at the restaurant. Let's eat zaru soba, okay?


As Hinatsuru keep grinning on the passenger seat, Kento could not hide his glances anymore. Though only a few chats from Suguru, Hina literally falls head to feet over him.

"Who did you text?" He suddenly ask.

"Not Gojo for sure." She replied.

Right, she don't want Kento to dig deeper. She told him about Suguru earlier, so yeah. Hina was pretty sure Kento wasn't that dumb.

"Alright, I'm not asking more about your friend." He sigh.

"Hehe, thanks Nanami! You're a reliable adult." She grin.

Kento continue to drive, until they reached Jujutsu High. Hinatsuru thanked him for everything, and Kento thanked her too.

"Good luck, Hina. You have a lot of potential. I would recommend you to the higher ups. Don't forget that you will have to pass another mission." Kento reminds her. Hina simply nod.

The two already in front of the school. Hina already grabs her back. Before she head back, she should talk to Kento.

"Alright. Thanks again, Nanami. I'll see you when I see you." Hina smile, before she waves at the tall man.

Kento nod. He then put up his windows, before exit the Jujutsu High compound.

Hina could only watch his car speed away. She let out a sigh. She carry her things before head towards her dorm.

By another chats, Megumi tell her that they first years are going to another mission later.

Even though Hinatsuru just arrived, she need to join. She really wants to rest actually, but yeah. But, on the bright side, she could meet Suguru after the mission.

So, Hina headed towards her room before take all the stinks and dirty clothes before put it inside her washing machine and let the machine do the job.

She head straight to the shower, before starts to sharpen her dagger and drew some fresh blood.


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