43 - Newlywed

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Hina finished wearing her clothes, make up and so on. She feels tired already. A lot of bullshit happened in the morning, which make Hina irritated even more.

"Hina?" A voice that's quite familiar to Hina makes the petite girl to turn around.

"Maki senpai." She mutters. The tall woman give her a hug, before bite her lips.

"I'm sorry that you need to go through this." She pat her back. Hina hugs her back, before smile.

"No worries. It will be over, very soon." Hina assure her. So yeah. That Naoya said that he will let someone pick her up or something, so yesterday he gave her clothes, shoes, and another things that necessary. 

So, Hina need to put away all her poison bottles in a cabinet and ventilate the air in her room last night.

Thank goodness, everyone can enter her room without worrying to get carbon monoxide poisoning. Hina looks mature in her makeup, but that doesn't make her looks old. She looks beautiful. Megumi and Yuji follows Maki from behind.

Well, Toge and Panda too.

"We will... Gosh." Panda frown.

Hina smile.

"Thank you for everything, everyone. I appreciate it." Hina smile. Then, someone enters the room. Hina look at him without any emotion.

"Kamo?" Megumi called.

Yup, it's Noritoshi.

"We're going." He said. Hina slowly stand up, before give her last look to Yuji, Megumi, Maki, Toge and Panda.

"Yuji, take care of Choso for me. Megumi, everyone, take care of Nobara." Hina then left her room with Noritoshi.

The two didn't say anything much. Hina didn't let him to hold her hands or what so ever. She can walk by herself. The two enters a car, before Noritoshi drive it himself. Hina seats on the passenger seat, remain calm and silent.

She already fasten her seatbelt.

It's nothing much happened in the car. Hina waits, and waits, until they arrived at the wedding ceremony. Well, vows ceremony. Hina wasn't sure what will happend, because Naoya didn't say anything about where she will live, can she continue to be at Jujutsu High, or -


Hina take a deep breath, before exit the car. Noritoshi offers to walk with her, but Hina ignored him. She walks through the aisle with Noritoshi by her side, but they didn't hold hands. Naoya already there, standing, proud.

Does he think he won the fight because he will marry her?

Fuck off, pedophile.

The two then recite their marriage vows. Hina realized that Satoru is here, looking irritated with his dark sunglass. As Hina was quite small, so Naoya need to lift her a bit for them to share a kiss. But, there's no spark or anything in her eyes.

Hina literally dead at this point. 

Sukuna lied to her. He killed his child, or what so ever.

Suguru already left. What else she could be happy about?

Everyone realized that the girl didn't look happy at all, so no one except the Zenin photographer could take a picture. Hina simply look at the camera. Her pensive eyes show emptiness. After that long ass ceremony, Hina finally seats beside her husband.

Euw, newlywed-


She didn't have much appetite to eat, until Naoya forced her to eat by shoving some foods and cakes to her. Hina don't really care, but she just play along. She's bored, she want to go home and drink poison until she's wasted.

After that, it's some photograph with Zenin family and Kamo family. How Hina wish to kill everyone here, but she didn't bring enough daggers for that. Besides, Satoru is here. It's risky. After all those mess, Hina follows Naoya to his house. Well, not sure where.

Hina don't really focus, even though he drive like a madman. When they arrived, Hina exit the car. She looks around. It's big from outside. Good, more space to practice her daggers.

"What are you looking at?" His voice literally sounds demanding and so on. 

Hina didn't reply, but she follow him from behind. Inside, wow. It's large. Not so many servants here too. Well, no one is here. 

It has 2 rooms and a spacious room at the upper floor.

As Hina didn't bring any of her clothes here, she simply look at Naoya.

"Speak your words, woman."

"I need clothes." She replied.

His mouth turns to oval shape.

"Right..." Well, what did he expect? Hina flinched before she walks to the next room. As her feet was not as long as him, Naoya can catch up with her fast. He grabs her wrist.

"What is it?" Hina turns around, before she push his arm away.

"We will sleep in the same room."


"Hey! Was sleeping with me is that bad?" He literally looks annoyed. Hina raise her brow.

"I'm underage, idiot. Plus, do you think I slept around because men are handsome? Sorry!" She walks away. Hina rolls her eyes.

"I said stop!" He literally use his curse technique, freezing the petite girl. Hina clenched her jaws.

"You know that I can murder you right now, Zenin."

"Well, you are a Zenin too." He mocks her.

"I don't agree in changing my name." She sigh.

"Oh come on. What makes you so hard, huh? Just because your boyfriend died, that doesn't mean you can bitching-"

Hina throw her dagger to Naoya, which it barely hit. Yet, the dagger that she throw hit right to his cheek, making he bleed. Naoya... was stunned. She can move? He didn't lift his technique yet.

"How dare you to speak like that? Did you know what hell I've been through?! You little piece of jerk! Do you know how I'm being treated? Fuck you, Naoya! I've been holding myself back for a year. Do you really wanna get kill, huh?" Hina walks closer towards him.

She take out another dagger, before put it on his throat.

"You know why I didn't use my blood inherited technique too much like a normal Kamo do? Because my blood contained poison. One drop of it can make you die less than an hour. One more shit coming out from your foul mouth, I'll slit your throat, Zenin." Hina looks serious this time.

Naoya gulped upon the view... But yeah. Wait, did he just got erected?


"Hah, I'm tired. I'll borrow your clothes for today. Did you mind?" Hina recalls her dagger from earlier, before put it at her thigh holster.

Naoya simply nod.

She enters the spacious bedroom, before rummage his clothes. As all of his male friends are so big and tall, Hina only grab a shirt and a towel before she enters the bathroom.

Goodness, she should let her friends know that she forgot about her clothes.


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