24 - Nanami 2

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Kento finally stop his car at such luxurious motel. Hinatsuru didn't budge or anything, but she look at Kento.

"Grab your belongings." He stated. Hina nod, before she grabs her bag after unbuckle her seatbelt. Hinatsuru exit the car and wait for Kento. He take something in his car boot before close it well and lock his car.

The two then greet the receptionist to get their keys. Kento was surprised, when the school only provided them a room. He needs to share it with Hinatsuru. As the other rooms were booked and fulled, he had no choice. Hina smile, weakly. She understand what Kento feels.

"I'm sorry for not checking, Hina." Kento stated. Hina simply nod, but she sigh a bit.

"No worries, Nanami." 

Then, the two enters a room. Goodness, it comes with two beds and a toilet. It doesn't have television, but it has water heater and lots of free instant noodles. It's great if you ask me. Kento the bed that's near the walls. He put his bag down, before lay down. He stare at the ceiling, tired. He's driving for hours here.

Hinatsuru put her bags down, before she simply lay on her bed. She take out her phone, as a chat from someone pop up.

What are you doing now? Did you arrived safely?

Weird. This is weird. Satoru chats her? He initiate the chat? As Hinatsuru didn't have the mood to do anything, she left the text as read before slowly close her eyes.

"Hina." Kento's voice makes her eyes widened.

"Yeah?" She replied.

"We'll head to the place tomorrow, around 8. Don't be late." Kento stated.

"Yeah, sure." Well, Hinatsuru literally sleep. The two arrived around night. As Kento already tired and Hinatsuru already sleeping, Kento decided that he didn't want to have dinner for today. He will compensate it next morning. 

So yeah. Kento and Hinatsuru sleep in different bed without much noise. Both of them were tired, physically and perhaps, mentally.

Around 5, Hinatsuru wake up first then Kento. She looks around, seeing than Kento is sleeping on his back, while his arm cover his eyes. As the light was kinda dim, she could not see much. Well, it's not like she wants to see more.

So, Hinatsuru grabs her clothes and towel before head to the toilet and take her bath. It's refreshing after such a long hour in hassle ride. After that, she brush her teeth and wash her face. Hinatsuru then wears her uniform and her hip pouch before put on basic skincare, after she wash her hands. 

Then, she exit the toilet. Kento was already waiting with his stoic face and a towel in his arm. Hina smile.

"Morning, Nanami. Sorry for taking too long." Hinatsuru stated. Kento replied with a simple nod, before enters the toilet. Hinatsuru then spray her perfume, before do some stretching. She boil some water, before grab an empty bowl and chopstick. After the heater done it's job, Hinatsuru pour the boiled water to her choice of ramen and let it sit.

She's hungry. When she silently eating, Hina could hear the toilet door open. She didn't turn around to respect Kento, so she continue eating. Around 5 minutes or so, Kento done dressing and he look at Hina.

"We can eat outside, before the mission." He stated. Hina look at him, smiling.


"Hah, whatever it is. It's 6:30, so we can walk around if you want." He stated. Hinatsuru simply nod her head.

After Hina wash the bowl and the chopsticks, she grab her shoes and grabs everything she need and important, Hinatsuru follows Kento from behind before he lock their room and keep the key in his pocket. Kento decide to walk, and Hina just follow him.

The two grabs some breakfast, sandwiches from nearby Subway. The two rest under the nearby bench, chewing and drinking coffee. Hinatsuru somehow scrolling her social media, bored. She finished her sandwich early than Kento.

"Hina, do you want to check the place?" He asked. Hina nod.

"Sure. The faster, the better." Hinatsuru stated. The two then put their litters in the big dustbin, before left the scene. Their mission would be at the abandoned ghost house, located at the not so famous district. Hinatsuru looks around. It's not that bad, and it's not that far from their motel.


"Nanami san... A question." Hinatsuru looks around, again.


"If it's special grade or even grade 1, why there are still people around? Shouldn't they be evacuated?" She asked. Kento put on a smile.

"You're quite clever."

"Thanks for the compliment." She replied.

"They said that only the people who step their feet inside the building would kill themselves." He explained.

Hinatsuru simply nod, before she thinks for a while.

"Could it be... A curse that possess Sukuna's finger?" Hinatsuru make a hypothesis. Kento didn't say anything, but he look at Hinatsuru.

Hina smile.

"It's just a hunch, though. Anyway, can we start? If we didn't find anything, we could try again at night." Hinatsuru suggested. Kento nod.

"Sure, fine by me." He said.

So yeah, the two enter the abandoned ghost house. But yeah, to no avail. Nothing. Not even the slightest sight of any curse they encountered. Hinatsuru let out a sigh. She can't complain. She look at Kento.

"Did you find anything, Nanami?" Hina asked. The tall man shook his head.

"Not really. It's just an abandoned place." He said.

"That means, we need to work at night. I'm sorry for letting you do overtime." Hinatsuru bows, which make the blonde man startle.

"No, it's okay. I just need to make sure you're safe. Raise your head." He stated. Kento scratch his neck a few time. Even a high schooler like Hina understand that he hate overtime.

Hinatsuru raise her head, before smile.

"Alright, thank you, Nanami. By the way, can I come in different outfit later? I only bring 3 uniforms for the occassions." She frowned.

"Oh sure. It's fine by me. But, we can use the laundry machine if you really need it." Kento explained. The two then exit the abandoned ghost house, before continue chatting.

"No need, Nanami! I don't want to further burden you, okay?" The petite girl smile, before it makes Kento smile too.

"Alright, if you say so."


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