39 - Sukuna 2 and Naoya

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Spoiler alert.

Haruka died. Hina take his katana, well, a free weapon, before walks towards Megumi. She feel his pulse. It's gone?!

"Megumi!" Hina wants to breakdown again, if only someone didn't pat her shoulder. Hina turns around.

Oh, it's Yuji.

"Yuji... Megumi he-"

"Step away for a while, woman."

Oh, it's Sukuna. Hina stand up, before let Sukuna look at Megumi. He then put his palm on his heart, before revive the poor Megumi. Megumi breaths normally, but he still passed out. Hina let out a sigh, before she look at Sukuna.

"What happened?" She asked. Sukuna clenched his jaw.

"Lots of shit. There are people thought I want to work with them." He yawns. Hina nod. She then look at Megumi.

"Um, do you mind helping me to bring him to Shoko? I um... Already tired." Hina bite her lips when Sukuna suddenly laughs.

"Hah. Right. When did you wake up?" He changed the topic.

"Well, not sure. I woke up to see everyone is gone. I rushed here, kinda." Hina sigh.

The two then enters a fighting stance when a giant curse appear. Hina starts to feel unwell. She's hungry actually. She starts panting, which make Sukuna sigh.

"Stay with that Fushiguro. I'll kill this curse." Sukuna assure her. Hina slowly feel her knees failed her, so she leans beside Megumi's shoulder.

She feels tired.

"Domain Expansion, Malevolent Shrine." Sukuna chanted, after he's a few metres away from Hina and Megumi. Well, Hina literally could see the curse got slashed before she fainted.

That's all she remember before everything went dark.

Was it 1 hour?

Was it 2 hour?

Was it, more than that?

Hina open her eyes when a lot of voices speaking around her. She was kneeling on the ground, tied with talismans. Where, is this? Wait, she remember it. This is the meeting with the higher ups. Oh shit.

"You're awake, Kamo."

Hina clenched her jaws when they called her that.

"What the hell?" She curse.

"You have been considered a traitor, along with Satoru Gojo and Yuji Itadori. You worked with the evil sorcerer who took over Suguru Geto body. You and Yuji formed an alliance with a curse spirit!" One of them talks.

Hina smirk. Oh, that's how it works huh?

"Do you even helped us earlier?"

"Shut up!"

"Oh, you don't. That's why you're keeping me here. What a shame." Hina laughs. The talisman constraint her movement, but she can cancel this shit.

As she wants to do that, a tall man appear from the door. The hell?

"I'll take this girl. Zenin clan with take care of her." Naoya smirking, standing beside the kneeling black haired.

Oh, great. It's all according to his plans. Hina glared at the man, before he send a mischievous smirk to her. Oh great.

"What do you mean, Naoya?!" The higher up starts to bicker, but Naoya keep a calm composure.

"Zenin clan proposed a marriage proposal to Hinatsuru." He smirk. Hina bite her inner cheeks. He's using her weakness to the fullest.

"What makes you-"

"Agree!" Another higher ups stated. Hina sigh. Satoru was sealed, Yuji might ended up executed after this. Where the hell is Sukuna? He is needed right now. Hina can kill and poison all the higher ups if she wanted, along with this man.

But she don't want that to happen. At least, not now.

"So, what do you say, Hina?" Naoya grabs her chin, making sure he enjoyed every single expression she had. What a sadist.

"I'll do it with two conditions." She smile.

"Huh, realize what position you are-"

"If you disagree, I'll kill everyone here. No matter what the consequences are. You think I care so much about you?" Hina glared at the voice come from. Some of them remained quiet, some of them laughs like she's just a weakling.

"You're just a weak semi grade 1. Don't be proud of yourself, woman!" Another misogynist. Hina takes a deep breath, before she smirk.

"Want to test it by yourself? Even if you die, a lot of people will take your seat." Hina provoke the man, which make him throw a rock at her. 

Hina dodge it at the last minute. She laughs, histerically.

Naoya grabs her chin, before give her a death glare.

"What is your conditions?" He asked.

"I'll agree to the marriage after I turn 16 years old. Number two, I want Inverted Spear of Heaven." Hina smile.

"Tch. Alright. Just that?" Naoya asked. 

"Yes. That's all. Simple." She smirk.

Then, the meeting ended and Hina was brought outside. She cut the talismans before tie her hair up. She had enough with this shit. She need to take her own actions. Suguru is not here with her.

"Hey, where are you going?" Naoya seems to have a lot of time today, isn't him?

"I'm heading back. Where's Yuji and Satoru?" Hina look at the tall man, who seems to trigger by the words she speak.

"Tch! Why you keep looking for that snot brat?!"

"He's the father of my child. That's why. You know that so well, so stop. I need him." Hina rolled her eyes. Naoya smirks, before he push his hair backward.

"He's going to get execute tomorrow. That Gojo? Who knows." He literally playing with her emotions. Hina take a deep breath, sigh.

Hina, remember, you're with men. Men never want to lose to a woman. They're just a child.

Hina left Naoya there, before she head straight to her room. She's fucking hungry and she knows nothing about her friends well-being for now. Hina decide to look for Shoko after this.

Also, why Hina proposed that two conditions?

First, she wants to give birth to Sukuna's child. According to Sukuna, he will kill her. But, will he truly do that? Hina starts to doubt that. Sukuna starts to show the same obsession like Satoru. The Inverted Spear of Heaven are her main option to die for now.

If her body regenerate because of her cursed technique, she will stab herself with that. She will kill herself, no matter what.

She will meet Suguru, no matter how much people wants her to live in this world. 

Because, in the end, they want to use her to the fullest. She already broke, but why all men want to break her more? She had enough of their shits for 15 years. Why, why the need to add more misery to her life?

Oh... because in the end...

Hina is her own salvation.


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