26 - Nanami 4

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Hinatsuru and Kento enters the motel without much words. Even though some people come across them, they didn't say anything. Hinatsuru was covered in bloods, and her ankle sprained, while Kento remained... perfect.

Kento unlocked the door, before Hina rushed to grab her towel and enter the bath. Kento sigh. Hinatsuru didn't answer his question earlier. He heard that Hinatsuru and Suguru were close before. During that time, Satoru seems to despise Hina. She's about... 12 or 13 that time, maybe? Suguru already gone, but they way she talk, it seems like Suguru are still alive.

Hinatsuru stayed in the the shower for about half an hour. Kento didn't hear any sounds of water, but just a silent sob. He knocks the door a few times, as he began to worry.

"Hina, are you okay?" He asked.

She didn't reply at first. Kento thinks of a few. Should he break the door? Or, should he ask for the toilet keys? But, what if Hina just want to be alone? As Kento was thinking hard, Hina slowly open the door. She was sniffing, but tries her best to cover her voice.

"Nanami san... I'm sorry. I didn't bring my clothes earlier." She said. Kento sigh. Goodness, her could only see Hina's head and hair. 

"Then, I'll be outside for 5 minutes. Grab your things, okay?" Kento twist the knob before he wait in front of the door. Timidly, Hina grabs her garments and change fast, before lay on the bed. Around 5 minutes or so, Kento enter the room back. Hinatsuru already sleeping in her bed, snoring a bit.

So, Kento grabs his towel and have a quick bath. He glance at the his watch. It's around 12 in the morning. He starts to feel drowsy, before fall asleep in his bed.


Hinatsuru hums a few things or so, as she and Kento are having breakfast. The two didn't talk much, except when Kento told her a few things about her next mission. Hina simply nod as she chewing her food. Well, not exactly. She didn't have much appetite for breakfast.

"Nanami... Can you help me with something?" Hinatsuru look at Kento, as her eyes sparkle with joy.

"What is it, Hina?" He asks.

"Can you buy a small bottle of weed killer at a nearby store?" She asks. Now, Kento's brow raise.

"For what?" 

"You know... I just, need it." She put her index fingers, playing with them, twirling it a few times.

"You didn't consume it, right?" Kento stated.

"I did."

"Oh my..."

"A lot of times, but... I'm still here. I'm okay." Hina grin. Kento let out a heavy sigh. He look at Hinatsuru, who seems to look delighted.

"Alright, I will. But, after we finished our mission today, okay?" He persuade her.

"Yes sir!" She smile. What a precious smile.

The two then starts to talk normally, before someone call Hina. She grabs her phone from her pocket, before look at the caller ID. As she knew who was it, she declined and block him on sight. Hinatsuru then keep her phone back, before sips her milk.

"Who's calling?" Kento asked.


"Why you didn't pick up? It could be important." Kento tries to be rational.

"If it's that important, he could just call you. It's not like he doesn't have your number." Hina looks pissed.


"I once called him because of emergency, but he never picked up. I nearly died, but I managed to get out because of principal Yaga. I don't want Gojo to call me ever again, so if he ever text you, tell him so. I'm sick of Gojo." Hina slurps and her milk- drink, before she throw it to the rightful place.

Kento didn't say anything, but he silently nod. He has never be in her shoes, so Kento can't judge. He know that Satoru are just goofy and stupid in front of the other people. He's sometimes playing with enemy and so on. But, with Hina, he wasn't like any of it.

"I will." He finally give the answer.

"Let's go, Nanami." Hina smile, before she walks away.

The two then moved to the place that a lot of curses were told staying there. As Kento is evaluating, he agree to suggest Hina to be promoted as grade 1 sorcerer. Even though she's still young, she has a lot of potential.

Again, 3 consecutives Black Flash from Hina makes the curse immobilize, before she exorcise it with a few slash from her daggers. Hina remained unscathed this day. She smile at Kento, before she walks towards him. She jumps a bit, to emphasize that she's happy.

"Let's get the weed bombs or anything, Nanami!" 

So yeah, Kento walks the petite woman to a shop, like gardening shops. It sells a lot of things, varies from seeds, pot, weed killer, pipe and so on. 

"What a cute little sister you have, sir." The cashier said to Kento. The blond man simply nod, keeping his stoic face.

"I'm his cousin, sir. Our face are far from each other, aren't we?" Hina literally dispute his words, clearly offended.

"Ah, I'm sorry for that little miss." He smile, before give her a plastic of 3 bottles of weed killer, each with different ingredients and brands.

"Right. Let's go." She grabs the plastic before exit the shop. Kento follows the petite girl from behind.

As Hinatsuru stated, people would believe if they're cousin, rather than siblings. Kento has blond hair with brown eyes, while Hinatsuru has black hair and grey eyes, totally different. Their face are also far from each other. Well, if they still assume about step siblings, Hinatsuru would throw them her dagger, to make sure their minds would be free from incest things.

The two headed towards their room, where Hina happily gulped a bottle of weed killer in front of Kento, right after he locked the door. He wants to scream, telling her to stop, but looking by her excited face, she would not stop.

So yeah. Let her be. Kento just sigh, while scrolling his social media. Some good food from a country called Malaysia pique his interest. They have durian crepe, chicken rice and wait, he can't read that name. Was it... Gulai Patin Tempoyak?

It looks hella good, he swear. He gulped a few times. When he retired from being a jujutsu sorcerer, he will settle down with a girl and travel to Malaysia.

"Kuantan would be a good choice." He silently uttered.

Hinatsuru didn't hear it, as she's getting the second bottle open. Kento look at her.

"Hey, I told you only one bottle!"


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