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"You're early?" I could hear Scott's voice echoing into the four corners of the room as my head was against my desk. I did not wait for him to pick me up. I felt so disgusted at myself at how much I used him for free rides.

I did not bother to reply.

"What's up?" He asked again.

"Why are you here? Go back to your class." I tried to shoo him away.

"Just tell me what happened and I'll go."

"I am just tired." I lied. If I told him my father wished me death, would he believe it?

"You sure?" He asked. I could hear his breath close to my ear as I stayed with my forehead on the cold desk.

"Uh huh. No need to worry." I reassured him.

"Okay." I heard the chair beside me scraped the tiled floor as he moved. I stayed there for quite a while as I wanted to rest after having sleepless nights of my father banging the door in his drunken state. Thankfully, before I climbed onto my bed, I was able to lock the doors because if I did not, I'd end up with big bruises in the morning. And before the sun broke into the sky, I spent my morning with a cup of coffee in the coffee shop I was working at before going there.

Thankfully, the nuisance had just left and I would be able to enjoy my remaining thirty minutes of peace. But not long enough, my rest was not disturbed as people started to come inside the room and disrupt the silence it brought. I groaned in annoyance.

The professor started discussing the moment her foot stepped inside the room. She just dropped her bag on her table, got her laptop while her mouth was saying a lot of things, opened it and typed words synchronized with the thumping of a vein in my head. I audibly groaned at the torturing pain my had had brought.

The discussion ended with me knowing not a single word from the woman's mouth. I seemed to be like a writhing worm in pain on my seat as I tried to keep my mind at place but unfortunately, it was not working. The bell rang and my whole world rang on it. The sound was so harsh, the vibration in my ears was way too hard to handle and I knew myself that if the ringing continued, my ears would bleed.

But after a few seconds of over dramatization of my headache in the back of my brain, the bell stopped. I groaned again. I collected my stuff and put it all inside my bag. Footsteps quickly filled the four corners of the room. I steadied for a bit and when I saw that the coast was clear, I slid myself out of the room. Other classes that I attended also felt like a drum was blaring inside my head.

I found myself at one of the empty benches just outside the building, resting my head on one of its arms. I could still feel my head throbbing against the metal arm. I wanted to smash my head on its solidity but I refrained myself before I could even break my skull into half.

"What are you doing here?" Nathan asked. Beside him, Sasha popped out like a small little kid behind this guy with a larger frame.

"There you are." She said, skipping her way towards me but then stopped as she saw how miserable I looked with my head throbbing and hands clutching the handles of the bench.

"Don't bother. My head ached like hell." I told them.

"Oh, I have some meds." Nathan offered.

"Like I said, don't bother." I declined.

"I think you will need it. It's better if you—" Nathan's words were cut off.

"He said that he needs nothing from you." I glared at Scott, making my head hurt more.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Let's go." He dragged me from the bench towards somewhere only he knew. My brain could not go into any further arguments that made me be taken away like some sack of flour, inanimate, and a heavy burden to carry on.

I held his hand, the one that was tightly gripping around my wrist and tried to pull those stiff big fingers.

"Let go." I told him.

"No, not until I cannot see that jerk's face." He snapped.

"What's up with you? He's just trying to be nice."

"Trying to be nice, my ass."

"He—" I was about to utter another word but was interrupted by his interjections.

"Stop defending him." His tone raised and his brows were a convergence of tectonic plates creating small mountain ranges of ridges just above his nose.

"What do you mean stop defending him? I am not doing anything. He isn't doing anything." I told him. His brows were knitted together.

"What is wrong with you?"

"Are we really arguing for the first time?"

"Yeah, and it is over some nonsense things for no reason." I told him. "Now, let go."

"He is still in my sight. I can snap his neck if you want." He threatened.

"Hell, no. Stop with your threats. It's not funny. Not at all."

"I can do it. He bothers you a lot and I do not want that."

"Why? You think you are the only one that can bother me?"

He gave me a look and nodded.

"Pfft. Stop acting like I am some toy you'll lose every damn time."

"Why wouldn't I? You didn't tell me where you're going? You did not want me to pick you up? You even got here all by yourself and now you're acting a little strange."

"I am not acting a little strange. I just had to settle things myself."

"I can help." He announced as if he could help me forget my feelings I had for him. That would be probably the most unbelievable thing I would do. Asking someone I had feelings for to forget that certain someone? Funny.


Again, thank you for the support by reading. A tap on that vote icon would not take that too long and if you do, I would be so much grateful.

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