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It did not take that long for the class to eventually start. And having a day off was on the least of my things to do. I had work. I had to feed myself, and I needed to carve my own path just to get out of this kind of life.

However, I could still hear whispers here and there. When I walked past a few people, I would catch a glimpse of them with their hands on their lips and whispering something with my name mostly in it, or Scott's.

I tried my hardest to ignore the , to put my attention through the discussion of our professor, and to give my all to just be in a moment where that thing did not happen.

I looked around for any signs of familiarity and solace among the crowds that sight daggers towards a victim of this whole show. Maybe I wasn't, after all. Maybe I was just trying to clear up my name in my head when all of the other people were actually true to their condemnation.

The clock was ticking, and minutes passed by, as the man in front of us hurled words that I knew none of us wouldn't care until the midterms week. But I knew most of us knew about the post before it got deleted. For sure, even those who hadn't seen the post would eventually see the screenshots of it somewhere over messages or group chats.

The anxiety of tilting my head side to side was slowly killing me inside. I knew eyes were burning holes at my back, and I could still hear the same whispers from the hallways. Those same hurtful words that were now ripping me out.

"I'm coming to your room." My phone vibrated at the sudden notification popping up at the top of the screee of my phone.

"Just go home." I replied at his text message.

"I am already here." He replied back. My hands dripped sweat and was trembling. I was not ready to ace te boy whom I tarnished his name in just a matter of hours or a day by sa single post about me.

The clock was ticking, and I saw that I only had a few minutes before the class ended. The sound of the longer hand as it traveled from one to another, then the other until a full rotation had been formed, had become a ticking of the bomb

Just like that, before even the clock finished a full minutes, the professor ended and quickly left the vicinity like smoke. It did not take that long for me to realize that everyone was starting to pack their things up, and I did the same.

My shoulder fell and let out a sigh. I heard a few boys giving me nasty looks with ways their brows were knitted together and their gritted their teeth with grins on their faces as a form of mockery.

I just placed my gaze at the floor. Avoiding eyes and keeping them from their judging looks. I quickly hovered my way out of the immense crowd and passed through the suffocating walls of prejudice about me inclined with that malicious post.

But after I walked past through the doorframes and hurried my way into the hallways and out of this place. But when I was about to take another step, a hand grabbed my wrist and held it tighter, dragging me away from the crowd and into a hallway lsading to the parking lot.

I hissed at the stung of pain from his grip. He noticed as he glanced back from the corner of his eyes and then slightly loosened them a bit.

"Where are you taking me?"

"Somewhere but not here. Just come along."

"No. Let me go."

"We won't be able to fix this unless we are going to have that much needed talk."

"Then, be quick. People are . . ." I paused, thsn look around. "They're watching."

"You really hate crowds." He told me after giving a look at the surrounding wirh a few people he had met his eyes were avoiding him.

He deagged me across the hallways until we reached a door that led to the parking lot. There were a few other people using this path because it was way quicker to use the other.

Once we were in front of his car, he proceeded with me getting inside, opening it, and holding on my shoulder, gently pushing me in.

"No. I won't go with you. I don't want other people to misunderstand what's going on between us." I whispered to him. Afraid that anyone might caught us. I ducked my head under the shadow of his car.

"The post was now taken down. I asked that freak girl to stop."

I gave him a worried look.

"Please don't tell me you believe it."

"It was all a lie. No one told me to bring food to you. No one told me to be friends with you."

"Thank you." I gasped. I was relieved that his mind wasn't poisoned by the malicious post, unlike others.

"Why are you avoiding me?" He asked. He placed both of his hands on both of my shoulders. His closeness was killing me

"I am not."

"Yes, you fucking are." He was angry. His blood boiling from madness.

"I was doing it for . . . So . . ." I stuttered then gulped.

"For fucking what? Damn it, Ash. I know you know that I won't believe hearsay from anyone about you. I trusted you. I don't care what others think about you, about me, about us, or what we are having. Just don't fucking leave me like that and throw things like some hot shit in your mouth you could spit." He raised his voice and I was so shocked to react.

"I did that for you. It is best if we parted ways temporarily or permanently."

"Permanently? What am I? A joke."

"No. You're the greatest thing I ever had." I choked.

"Then don't leave me. We can go through this together."

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