Twenty One

196 13 3

A flood of people ryshed through the door, and I quickly turned my back at him as my eyes widened in surprise before anyone could find out that we were talking. I quickly jogged my way out of the parking lot.

"Where are you going?"

"Don't talk to me."

"Why? They won't care."

"Trust me, they do." I told him, trying to find a way to escape, away from their suffocating eyes, away from their knife-like stares stretching the wounds with the tip of its blade.

"I barely survived this day. I cannat do anymore if another post about me being a beggar or some sort will conquer the newsfeed of all social media accounts." I told him. He stopped following me. "Plus, this will be the last time we will be talking because I can not let your name be dragged down like that."

"This is not the last time we will be talking."

"I just can't have another baseless rumor about us spreading around."

"Let them be. Let them think what they want to think. Just make sure that we were not stepping anyone's shadow, and we're happy." He stopped me by walking in front and blocking my way.

"Be happy? How? When all of their eyes are looking at you like some disgusting pervert who seeks so much attention and when they talk bad things behind your back? How could I be happy?" I told him, nearly screaming bit held them back. His face showed how pained he was. For what? For trying to leave him. He shouldn't be. I should be the one who was the one in pain. And it might have made me admit that leaving him alone was the right thing to do so I wouldn't be able to see that kind of his face.

I hovered my way to avoid him huge frame and continued to walk.

"Ash, wait. We need to clear this up first."

"Nothing needs clearing up. I gotta go." I did not lie. I had to fix this all myself, and I already made my choice. I wanted to apologize, but I couldn't make my mouth move.

"What? Obviously, there are. And I need you to talk to me before I lose my damn mind."

I did not utter a word and continued to walk. I fastened my pace so that I could give myself and him a decent space in between. However, the faster I set up the space, the quicker he shortened the gap. He stood side by side with me, and I was pushing him with all my best as I looked around whether someone was watching us or not.

"It is for your own good."

"Any good for me without you is bad." He heaved a breath. "We have been together since our primary school days. We have been together for years. We shared a lot of memories to remember and victoriss to share. Why not let me in when we are in pain right now? Why are you pushing away when we can go through this damn thing together?"

I did not utter a response.

"I just don't get it. You have nowhere to go. You need me the most this time. And your only resort was to push me away?"

I remained silent.

"Fine, don't talk to me. I will give you the space you needed or until that damn post was out of everyone's mouth or if you feel like you're okay. But when I find you after this moment, I will make sure that that mouth opens." He spoke. I just gave him a look. A surprised and worried one. Maybe I was thinking way too much, but it seemed to be like the words that had escaped his mouth were more of a threat than a statement. After that, he turned his back and went away.

There was no need to talk nonsense, Scott. This was the only way so people would not think that I looked like a parasitic animal leeching off of him. Thankfully, everyone was worried about Scott being the victim here as if I did something bad to him. Now that all of this thing happened, I had given aa thought that I really did something to him.

I quickly ran to the gates and through the alleys I went so people won't see. In no time, I found my way to the coffeshop where I was working and went to the backdoor, which surprised the only lady doing the dishes by the sink.

"You're here."

"Hi." I greeted as I wrapped the apron around my waist and tied them with a tight knot. I quickly put on my mask to avoid getting my face all exposed as most of the students were going to this shop for their coffee. I knew I would be in talks of most of the customers if they found out.

But little did I know, after going through the dishes in the sink and through the trash and putting them away, I manned the counter as the only one who knew to do the coffees was her. She quickly pulled the cups and started to make the orders.

"One large caramel machiato." The girl orders, and I puched it to the register. After I handed her the receipt that came out from the printer and her change from a larger bill she gave me, I told them that we would just call her when her order was done.

She stepped aside. And before she hovered her way to the table and jerked her head side to side to look for an empty table to occupy, she placed the change inside her small purse.

A taller boy stepped up, and I was not making eye contact with anyone from the start to avoid them as I was still very conscious about what they would tell me if they found out that I was the one being referred to in the post that was taken down.

"What's your order, sir?" I asked. My eyes widened at his response.

"One boy with so many issues but decided self isolation was the best solution."

Thank you so much for the support. The Hillarious comments, please keep them coming. There weren't that much, but still. It fuels me like making me tell myself that "I need to write there are people reading and their commenting stuff and they are waiting. I cannot make them wait." To those from tiktok, much love. If this is recommended to you, I hope you find this entertaining?? 🤔😄 Anyway, I hope y'all are doing well. Like I said, when I started writing this, there were 10 engaged readers, and now y'all are 140+. I am crying that so many. 😭 Thank you. Thank you. Thank youuuuuuuu. Actually, I was really unmotivated since a lot of stuff was happening with my life rn. But seeing this story garnering 3k reads makes me feel like I need to live longer hehehe


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