Twenty Three

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"I'll be there in a few minutes." I received a text message from Scott after I sent him where I was. I tried to find a place that was quite far away and out of most students' reach so I wouldn't get stared at by people. The whispers had died down, and it was making em more anxious. I tdeactivated most of my social media accounts but created a dummy on one just to look at the freedom whether they were still talking about me. And just as I thought, whenever an embarrassing post came up, I could see my name appearing in the comment section. They were making fun of me, and I felt quite in gloom to think that my name was now used as a ridicule.

I let out a sigh.

It was less than five minutes before I just texted him, and he was already here. I was completely sure that it would take around ten to fifteen minutes with a car and around half an hour if by foot. But I could see the familiar grayish color of his car from the transparent windows.

I quickly jogged my way out of the coffeshop the moment I saw him and tried to meet him by the entrance. I was hesitant at first that someone would notice, but I mustered up the courage to finally go and finally look up to his face after not seeing for two days.

"Wait here. Ate asked me to order something for her."

"Oh, okay." I replied as he barged in the coffeeshop and walked in front of the counter to order. Just like what he said, I just stay in front of the coffee shop, watching as the cars pass by.

It took him a couple of minutes, but I did not utter any word and just waited until he got out of the coffee shop.

"Let's go." I knew he was irritated by sight. His voice was screaming annoyance. I knew it. I knew it would possibly be this way. The realization hit me when I just realized that I texted him out of nowhere without any greeting or a warning. And with that being said, he was probably in something important, a club meeting, a seminar. He might also probably be in training. The gym might also be another reason, but he wasn't on his workout clothes, and he did have a gym at home.

I followed him. He was supposed to take the door of his car where the driver seat was but instead hovered his way on the other side where I was supposed to sit and open it.

My mouth fell agape at the sudden curiosity that went into my head, thinking that he had probably forgotten something or he wanted to do something first before letting me in. However, he did open the door for me and let me in. He handed me the coffee he ordered, and it was three.

"Take this and hold it for me."

I was not able to utter a reply after I stepped in, and the coffee holder was now in my lap. I put on my seatbelt, and he hopped inside the car.

He started driving, and I was just admiring the street through the window beside me while both of my hands were placed together with the coffees in the middle, feeling the warmth through my palms.

The silence was so much excruciating than I ever thought. The car was mostly filled with emptiness and our heavy breaths.

"Sorry." He started. I felt relieved that after that incident, we wouldn't be having the talk we used to have. I had to admit it myself that I wanted everything back, but I knew it was not the way it was before, and there's no way I could do that. I wanted our convenience store trips and unplanned late night car trips.

However, I knew that as soon as that happened, whispers would soon erupt like a volcano, causing another wave of malicious stares. People would think that I still use him for something, and I did not want people to think that way. They would even think I was manipulating Scott jnto helping me. I did not want that to happen.

"I should be the one who was saying sorry." I told him, giving a slight giggle after making the whole awkward silence into a more awkward conversation to have.

"I should be sorry for . . . Ugh . . ." I was trying to make up for my mind whether I should be sorry for avoiding him for a few days, pushing him away, or calling him out of nowhere. "For texting you and making you fetch me out of nowhere."

"No need. You know that I am always available when it comes to you."

"Well, you don't have to. You don't have the need to pick me up every morning and our convenience store trips? Forget about it." I was really throwing away this friendship.

"What? That's all we have. It was a tradition we kept for ages."

"Well, tradition for us but a malicious intent for some. People would think . . ." He cut me off before I could continue my sentence.

"Stop talking about other people. I don't care about them. I don't care what they tell me. I don'tcare what they tell you. And I don't give a damn about all that bullshit they were talking about because this is not about them." He gasped. His voice was raised while his hands were gripping the steering wheel. I could see how his grasp tightened as the muscles on his arms contracted. "This is about us, Ash. We can't just throw this all out."

"Yeah. We can not just throw this all out. But I know for aure that after some time, you'll have other friends to accompany you aside from me."

"I don't want them. I dont care about them."

As promised, two chapters this week. Hope you have a wonderful day. Thank you so much for the support. Vote, follow, comment and share. Thank you.

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