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"Ugh, why are you here?" I asked him.

"You know, to remind you not to forget later." He smiled.

"I do remember. Now, go." I told him and he quickly did. He stood up and walked out of h

"I still have—like, thirty more minutes left." He looked around. I could see how everyone was looking at him. He's handsome, an eye-catcher, a foreigner in this program and a completely popular guy that most kids knew about. They would be probably wondering why he was around when his program was in a whole other building.

"Go, before you got late." I told him. He smiled.

"Aw, you're trying to shoo me away like some dog."

"Why do you always keep on referring to yourself as animals like they had your personalities?" I asked him, annoyingly.

"Well, whether I call myself a wet duck, dog or even a cat, you still find it—ehem," he coughed, "me, cute." He smirked.

"Ew, gross. Not me." I told him, sarcastically but with facial expressions to make it more believable by scrunching up my nose. He pouted like he used to do. But then, his expression quickly changed when someone popped out behind me like they were some uninvited guests in our conversations.

"Hi." Nathan's smile was vibrant. If it could radiate like the sun, its light would probably blind me.

"Hello, good morning." I told him and smiled.

"What?" He retorted after I greeted Nathan. He questioned my actions.

I gave him a confused look.

"He gets a good morning and I don't."

"Then, good morning." A girl popped out of nowhere, joining the conversation.

We all turned to look at her. My eyes widened at the familiar face. She was the one I bumped into yesterday as I was heading out of the campus. I did not know that she was in this class.

Scott just gave her a look then his eyes turned to meet mine. His eyes were asking me if I knew her and I just shrugged. Nathan smiled at her and her grin was as vibrant as his after butting her way into the conversations.

"I'm Ava." She introduced herself.

"Hi, Ava." I greeted.

"Hey," Scott called out on me. "I still haven't got my good morning." He complained.

"I already gave one." Ava told him. I was about to utter a response but held my tongue in the back of my throat.

"I am not talking to you." Scott was irritated. I could see how his brows were slowly being knitted together.

"But I want to." She whined.

Scott did not utter another word, nor open his mouth to try to formulate a response. I cleared my throat when Ava was still mumbling something about Scott and was pertaining only to him. His eyes never left mine but visible signs of irritation were shown through the constant fidgeting of his irises and the creases made in between his heavenly carved eyebrows.

"What do you want?" Scott snapped back, agitated by her continuous butting in. I leaned forward to place my head on my arms as I tried to claim my interrupted rest.

I shut my ears as they argued about something. I did not want to listen. I just wanted to take a good quick nap before the professor arrived as I hadn't had a good sleep last night and I was really taking this chance to give myself a good rest.

Later on, a tap on my shoulder was heard. I quickly looked up and the door was swinging as the professor started walking towards the desk in the middle. I ran my hands on my face and started to get my notebooks on my desk.

"Thank you." I turned to look where Nathan's seat was and to my surprise Nathan was not sitting by my side, except that Scott was the one occupying his seat.

"What are you doing? Why are you still here?" I asked.

"You are ignoring me and I will not be leaving until you tell me why." He whispered, crossed his arm around his chest, making his arms seem to be bulky and his eyes were still looking at the professor who happened to be unpacking his things so he could start the discussion.

"I am not. I am going to see you later. Now go, you are late already." I told him.

"Are you sure?"

"I am. I promise." I told him.

"Then, see you later."

"Yeah, yeah." He ducked his head as he stood up but what he did wasn't enough as his tall demeanor would still stick out from the crowd as he went to find the door out.

I chuckled as he made his way.

Time passed by. I was dozing off the entire day. I did not know whether it was because the entire day was so boring, or if my personal problems were causing me to have sleepless nights taking a toll during the day, or maybe I was terrified that Scott would soon end up interrogating me about what was happening in my life later when we met up.

I quickly packed my bags and all the things that were scattered on my table were scooped up by my arms. I did not bother to organize them inside my bag. I quickly left the room without bidding my goodbye to Sasha who happened to be calling me out. I just waved at her.

I ran to the hallways and into the suffocating crowd as I found my way towards the elevator which happened to be also crowded as everyone was just so tired to go to use the stairs. I was just like everyone else who was waiting for the elevator doors to open.

The bell rang. The elevator door opened and it was empty. Thankfully, I was one of the few people who was able to get into it before it started beeping that it was full. When I got to the ground floor, I ran as fast as I could to the parking lot and I jerked my head side to side to look for Scott's car.

"It is probably parked somewhere." I whispered to myself.

"Yeah, it is probably parked somewhere." There he was, whispering in my ear.


Thank you for reading. Hope ya'll had a great day.

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