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"I don't know if there's a chance, but after seeing that, I really wished you really did feel something at me like the way I do to you." He heaved for a breath as if it was a lump that got out of his throat. He gulped. Our eyes met and were anticipating an answer.

My mouth fell agape. Ready to tell him that the part of the post where I had feelings for him was true. I wanted to tell him that I did the same. However, words did not form, and thoughts were held back.

"Sorry. It's a little sudden." He nervously laughed. He scratched the back of his head, and I could see from his movements that he was at unease. "I may have made you feel unease."

"No. No. Not at all." I tried to reassure him that his little confession did not affect me at all when my knees were so weak I could not get up from sitting beside him. I could even feel my heart pounding against my chest as if it were trying to escape. My cheeks were burning, and I hoped he didn't notice.

"Don't worry. I am not waiting for a response right now. I just want to let you know what I feel." He heaved a sigh and watched the sun sets.

I should have said something. I should have replied. I should've told him that I felt the same. However, what would other people be thinking? What about the people around him? I did not want them to think of him the way they did to me.

"Ash." He called out. He leaned his head on my shoulder and tried to contain myself as the skies turned dark.


"Don't run away from me." He started. "Please don't despise me for thinking that way to you."

My heart was beating fast. It could not stop, and for sure, he could hear them at how near he was on my chest.

"It's killing me, you know. You're not answering my calls or messages. I don't know where you are. You're not on good terms with your father, so I don't know if you’re sleeping on the streets or something might have happsn to you. Please, just stay. Just be with me. We can go through this together." He told me. He heaved a sigh. He was holding these words in.

I nodded. I dont know if he could see it, but I was agreeing in what he just uttered.

"I wanted to be someone you can rely on, not just some random friend who could pick you up from your house with a car or a friend you can use ??, I am giving you full permission to do it. I am all yours in the first place." He told me.

"Stop saying that. If you continue, I’ll end up falling for you." I already did.

"Really?" His face brightened up.

"As if I never already had."

"What?" I could see his delight on my confession. I did not want to express it so casually like it was some gossip that we could talk about, but I was left with no other choice but to tell him. It's now or never, I supposed.

"I won't repeat myself." I told him. He slid his hand behind my back and pressed my sides to tickle me.

"Stop." I gasped for air as laugh erupted from my mouth. I held his hands.

"You, little bunny. I didn't know you like me too."

"I don't, okay? You're just hallucinating." I gaslighted him.

"Well, I heard it, my dummy. Tell me that again. I want to hear those words from your mouth again." He leaned it and moved closer so he could see my face as the light from the sun fell into darkness.

"Get off of me, you duck." I pushed his arms away from me as he continued to press his body to mine.

"But you love this duck, don't you?" He teased. I admitted it that I always do.

"No. How could I love someone who was happy I was outed so that he could feel that his liking is validated?" I teased.

"Oh." His tone changed. He was taken aback by my words. "Like I said, I felt conflicted about that whole thing."

"I was so scared at that time." I told him.

"I'm sorry. I did my best to get the name of the one who posted it. I want them all to get expelled."

"That's too harsh."

"I don't care. They did what they 6 such actions need to be punished."

"Well, if that post is for you to validate that, I did feel the exact same as you do to me. Then go for it." I told him.

"I liked you even before that." He confessed.

"Oh." I acted surprised.

"Yes, I thought it was just some friendly love that anyone has for their friends. Of course, I want you to be my only friend and did not want to hang out with some randos from your department."

"Does being in a friendship only limited to two people?" I asked.

"That's what I am telling you. That Rowland guy. I hated him because I didn't know his intentions towards you."

"He's a friend."

"Yeah, but like I said. I don't like him. At first, my friends were all talking aboit you but I didn't felt the need to tell them to fuck off or leave you alone because you don't know any of them and they did not even get to close to you unlike that Rowland." I could hear him breathing. "I guess I was jealous that you would treat him the way you did to me. I can't let that happen."

"I was feeling the same way with the girls who bumped me a few weeks back. They were all drop-dead gorgeous, and they would be your totally type. I was thinking that you're probably straight."

"I was thinking the same too. But then, all I want is you. Not some random chick or dude. I want you. Nothing else. So please, stop running away, or else I'll lose my mind."

I gulped. His eyes were looking directly into my eyes, then fell into my lips as his chin rested on my shoulders and his arms tightly around me.

"I think I deserve something. A reward for everything."

"Like what?"

"A kiss."

Sorry for the late upload. I was writing smut, then deleted it, then later another smut, then deleted it again. I repeated the whole thing for quite a while. Then I just realized I had to keep it for myself and release it at the right time. Hope you like it. We're closer to 6k reads. Thank you so much for the support. Love much from me.

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