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I found myself by the bench in the park, bawling my eyes out like some child who had just bullied by another group of kids. I mean, if I was considering my situation, I was one.

I held the strap of my bag as my tears stopped flowing and I took all my energy left to look for my phone and went through the freedom wall page of the school.

I heard from one of the girls at the back earlier that they read a post about me somewhere here. I would be probably sure that what people were saying were based off of that post. However, I had to make sure that it was still up so that I could report it or request for the deletion of the post of malicious or fake allegations.

I sniffed as runny nose did not put to a halt after my tears did. The pressure from words that they all described me was so much that my heart could not contain itself and shed a tear. Now, I really wanted to know what was this all about because I was not blackmailing Scott nor making any live potion for him to be with me, to be friends with me.

I searched for the name of the page in social media and a profile page popped out. I wondered if what I clicked was the right one. I was quickly sceolled throught post. They were posting anonymous messages from probably students of the campus. I held my breath as I passed through many of them. They were just posing questions and some students were answering them in the comments section.

I cam across into one of the longer post. I thought it was the one the girls were talking about but it was just any random post about their lovelife going in shambles after dating a senior from the campus. I came into another longer post hoping it was the one. However, the ended up another of those random post.

It felt like I scrolled for ages when I finally came to a realization that I should look the date when the posts were published in the page. When I did, I was scrolling through posts posted last week. I quickly scrolled up frantically, trying to agreessive searching for the post published yesterday. There's only a few but none was talking about me.

I jolted when a notification popper at the message of Sasha. I quickly opened it. My uands trembling. My eyes darted at a few students looking at me with my uniform and a messed up face. They were probably wondering, if ever they didn't know about me, what happened to me as I was crying by the bench near the park.

Once I opened the chat, three screenshots of a long post was sent to me by her? She even added that she was lucky enough to take screenshot of it before the post got taken down.

"The post was taken down." I whispered to myself. They probably seen the post anyway that's why they were acting that way.

I tapped on one of the screeshots for me to read the text on the post. I wa sthankful for Sasha for keeping the screenshots and at the same time, scared of what was into it.

I mustered up all the courage and read the text. In just a tap, my screen replicated the entire post that was long gone. I read the paragraph and it said:


Apparently, you all know about this guy from the engineering building who happened to be friends with the one in the main building. I believed he was taking English.

I heard that the guy's name is Ash. I also heard that he's poor and was leeching off of Scott. That's why Scott was giving him free rides of his glamorous car. Moreover, you might think that it was kind for Scott to bring food from the engineering building to the main building but it was a form of blackmailing, I guess. He also asked to buy him food. Maybe, he couldn't really afford to buy for himself that he had to rake money from poor Scott.

And guess what, he was even flirting with him. Like have some decency. After blackmailing and leeching off of his money, you even have the guts to fall in love? Ridiculous.

He was a total fraud. He was using his innocent looks to fool everyone. Blackmailing, manipulating and trying to rake some money out of everyone's pockets. Be careful.

Sasha told me that it was taken down for some reason. It was posted and up for a few hours and got some reactions from people around. I could also see that people were sharing them but not that much. But in my deepest minds, how could they all knew about it?

I had nowhere to hide. People at school were mocking me with this post of allegations that were never true. I never forced Scott to be with me, to bring me left over food from their house or wherever his beloved sister had excess food to spare. I never asked him for that. Our convenience store trips. Though, he was paying mine by the counter, I left my payment in his car so that he would not be able to stop me from paying back. I even paid my fair share in fare. Well, I had to admit the fare I gave him was not fair share. The car was his and he was the one driving. He did not even wanted me to pay him but that was the least I could do.

Yes, I was born into poverty that I was saving enough to free myself but everything was now stolen. I did not have anything now. I lost everything. How could I face Scott this time? Everybody has been thinking now that I was leeching off of his money when all he ever brought was kindness.

I'm sorry Scott. If this was the only way I could think of. I'm sorry for what I would be doing.


First, and foremost, I was copy-pasting the previous chapters into a word so that I would be able to edit it for future use. However, the last few chapters had a handful of errors and grammatical mistakes. I would like to apologize for that. My primary language is not English and I am still working on my English. I hope you all do understand and thank you for the support. Of course, my only request will be give me stars/vote below, following me and leaving a thoughtful comment so I would be motivated to write. Thank you again.

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