Twenty Nine

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“Can’t find anything?” He asked. Without looking, I could feel the smirk at the corner of his face.

“I—ugh—am looking—” I gulped when I realized that our body was about to collide, as if it didn’t last night. “I am looking for sweaters but I don't know, they're quite bigger than me.”

“Oh, I see.” He quickly stepped back wearing what he got. I just remained observing the clothes and how they were not in chaos. The button down was placed neatly and was ironed perfectly without any crease or lines visible on the fabric. 

My eyes landed under them. It was a neatly folded black hoodie and I hesitated for a second whether I would grab it or not. Eventually, I reached out for it when another hand grabbed it. My fingers clenched the folded hoodie, feeling the soft fabric and could feel the warmth of the other hand wrapped around mine. His fingers clasped around mine and his palm pressed against the back of my hand as it reached for the fabric that we thought of being good for both of us to wear. I could feel my heart beating like crazy. It felt like it was the skies whose thunders were rummaging the vast void. My cheeks were burning from embarrassment at our current situation.

“Sorry.” I pulled my hand out and left his hand hanging as if it was frozen from what I did.

“Here.” He grabbed the hoodie and shoved it onto my chest. In surprise, I just stood there and watched him extend his arm and reached for another hoodie under the previous one. I watched as he made a few steps forward so that he was  beside me and I could clearly see him in his full drenched frame. I had seen him like this before, many times and uncountable if someone where to imagine. I mean, after all we grew up together and I was this kid who used to play along with him and sometimes spent the rest of our days in his house. It was normal, as I supposed. However, this time, it was kind of different. I get used to seeing him topless and drenched in sweat or something. But this time, I felt something like it wasn’t there before. Maybe, I was little ashamed now that he found that post and apart of it was true. Maybe, I had been sleeping on this feelings that I never knew it would wake up someday and haunted me for the rest of my life. Maybe, I liked my best friend long enough for it to blossom like this.

Damn it. No more thinking. The more I think, the chance of me getting crazy were higher.

“You’re coming with me today. I think after Ate finished the cakes. I counted the boxes last night and there were only a few boxes left.”

“Are we going to get some supplies?” I asked.

“Yes, plus deliver some baked goodies for the orphanage Ate liked to help.” He replied.

“Okay, I’ll be quick.” I replied and jogged my way out of his room, but before I could make a step out of the doorframe, he called out.

“Ash,” He called out my name, which made me turn my head at him. “You can use my bathroom. You’ll be quick if you just get in here.”

“What the . . . I am okay with the one in the guest room.”

“As if you never used this before.”

“Yeah, but things are different now.” Damn it. My mouth slipped. I couldn’t just tell him that after the post I was embarrassed to get close to him so that he wouldn’t think that I did like him. No, that couldn’t happen.

“What do you mean?” he asked curiously. He raised a brow and  he made a step forward.

“No, nothing. I gotta go. See you when I am finished. I promise, I’ll be quick.” I sighed. I nearly exposed myself. Thankfully, I was able to quickly get out of the situation before he could think of anything else.

I quickly got myself into the bath and used all the things available there. There was a body wash and a bottle of shampoo and I thought that this would do it. Then after a few minutes, I jogged out with Scott’s hoodie with his scent still filling up my nostrils after I scooted myself inside of it.

“You done?” I jolted at the sudden appearance of Scott on the edge of the bed with his legs spread apart and arms leaning backwards to support his body.

“You're waiting?” I asked and he just nodded. I rubbed my head with the towel and as quickly as possible I dried my hair. I made a few steps towards the window so that I could avoid his burning gaze as if he was waiting for me to do something or say something. 

“So you two are awake?” His sister came out of nowhere and made us look at her in surprise. She was taken aback by our looks but quickly composed herself after making a step forward.

“Did you two sleep here?” She asked after she let her eyes wander around the room, examining it as if she never had been here in the guestroom before.

“Yes.” Scott replied and my eyes widened at his response that made me stutter.

“No, Ate Lucy.” I told her. She giggled as if she was a teenager when in fact she was four years ahead of us.

“Okay, I believe you.” Her eyes were looking at me.

“Ate, it's not that I am saying that you should believe me too. But because I am brother, you should take my side.” Scott was complaining about how her sister was not on his side.

“So no one slept in Scott's room.” She asked again.

“I did.” Scott annoyingly replied. “Then after an hour, I moved here.” He confessed.

“Okay. Okay.” She smiled at us.

“About the deliveries,” she started and diverted all of our attention towards her. “Can you two make it in time?”

“We can.” Scott replied.

I gulped.

I apologize for the long wait but was still thankful for the support given to this story. HAPPY 4.5K READS. I would continuously update now.

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