Chapter 10 - The Date

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*Melody's POV*

Okay, so it was lunch time, and Harry made something in the kitchen for us. He got me some soup and a salad. Not too much, not too little. Harry had a sandwich with some chips. We sat at the table, the boys were all in their rooms at the time (besides Harry obviously). The food was in front of me. I just sat there stairing at it like It was the most horrifying thing I had ever seen. Harry noticed as stop eating too look at me. "Please eat love." He said to me in a raspy voice. I looked at him with sorry eyes. "Please Mel, just try, a bite please??" He asked me beggingly. "Okay." I said quitely. Before I knew it I had ate all my food. I could see Harry finished his as well. He looked happy when he noticed I had ate it all. Now I just have to keep it down, so to distract myself, me and Harry watched a movie. My stomach really hurt but I managed to keep it down. It was REALLY hard. But I did it. I'm trying my best and Harry saw it in my eyes that I really was. He smiles and rubs his hand on the side of my shoulder.

*Later that day (night time)*

I spent most of the day reading in my room. Hearing the boys playing video games down stairs haha. They were a bunch of goofs. But as I was reading, a voice interrupted my thoughts. "Hey beautiful." A strong Irish accent filled the room. I knew who it was in that second. Niall.

"Hey." I said to him with a smile.

"Watcha reading?" He asked as he entered my room.

"Oh... a book." I said playfully.

"Oh, very funny." He laughed.

"So what's up? I asked him.

"Oh, yeah right. Haha. Would you like to... g-go on a date with m-me??" He asked nervously.

"Of course!!!" I said with excitement.

"Great! When do you wanna do th-" I cut him off.

"Now!" I said quick.

"Haha okay!" He said. "I was thinking a walk in the park and then dinner. Does that sound good?" He asked.

"That sounds perfect." I said with a smile. "Can we go in like 20 minutes?" I asked hopefully.

"Sure doll." He said.

"Okay, be out in 20." I told him.

I took a shower and put on some make up. I can't believe how fast I got ready. Or that I was going on a date with Niall Horan. My insides were screaming with joy at the thought of it. I then looked for a dress to wear, I found one. It was a short navy blue dress with black heals and a nice black hoodie to go with it. To hide my scars of course. But the outfit over all was cute. I curled my hair and then I was ready to go. I walked out into the living room. Whistles filled the room.

"Oh stop it guys!" I said flattered. Niall's eyes open wide.

"WOW! You are soooo beautiful." Niall said. I blushed.

"Thank you Nialler." I said smiling. "You don't look to bad yourself." I winked. He then too blushed.

The boys all gave me compliments and I took them. Thanking them as well.

Then me and Niall left and headed for the town's park. It was dark so hopefully no one would notice him. We started to walk on the path by the lake. It was a beautiful that evening I thought. Then, Niall's lips spoke first.

"I know it's kind of a deep question and all but, why haven't you eaten when you passed out that day at the meet and greet?" He asked me. My body felt stiff instantly while walking with him.

"Oh that... It was just I didn't have money at the time to buy food. I forgot to take it out of my parents bank account because I've been no busy." I lied.

Lost, Hopeless, and Destroyed (A One Direction/Niall Horan Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now