Chapter 35 - Gone But Never Forgotten

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  • Dedicated to everyone still reading!

****Author's Note****


Alright everyone, so I'm sorry to say but... this will be the last chapter of the story. I know, I know. But I'm going to make it a good ending. I hope so at least. There's going to be a lot of thought and emotion put into it so be prepared.

But aside from this being the last chapter, there will be an epilogue that I have already worked on and will post sometime this month (May).

I also wanted to say thank you so fucking much for everyone who's been reading and stayed along this whole time with me. I can't thank you all enough. Writing this fanfic has been so amazing, and it just helped me let my feelings be put into a story for everyone else to read. Plus it's about One Direction so that's a plus (: Well, that's one of the main reasons I created it haha. But I love you all so much and I hope you all or most of you loved this fanfiction as much as I did.

I plan on making another 1D fanfic this summer, but only if I have access to a computer a fair amount of the time. I hope I do. Because I love writing these kinds of stories.

Oh and please VOTE for this chapter!!! Since it's the last one (besides the epilogue). I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH ASDFGHJKL. Thank you.

P.S. Comment and tell me what you think of the story and what was your favorite part/chapter!! (You can also do this when I post the epilogue) 


*Melody's POV*

We get back home and as soon as we enter the door and take off our shoes and what not, Eleanor decided to come home with us, to be there for Louis of course, and well, all of us actually. I decide to go to my room, to think.

"How could he do this to us?!?!" Louis blurted out suddenly. "Does he not know how much pain he has caused us?! Everyone who cared about him?!"

"Lou, calm down!" Harry said.

"No! I will not calm down. Liam offed himself. OUR FUCKING BAND MATE. ONE OF OUR BEST FRIEND'S!"

"Louis! I know it's tough! But you have to be strong and calm down. You're not helping the situation!" Harry went over to him, placing his hand on the lads shoulder.


I decided to tell them.

"I tried to ask if he was okay a couple of days ago, because he seemed lonely. He told me he was fine and he and Danielle were just going through a rough patch."

"Yeah, by rough patch he means Danielle ripping his fucking heart out!" Louis spat across the room. "Why did you believe he was fine? Shouldn't you know? I mean, you are a good actress after all."

"LOUIS!" Eleanor screamed at Louis, making Louis jump.

"What?! It's true! Just saying!"

I sighed. Time to give Louis the spaz a piece of my mind. "You know what Louis?" He snapped his head back, facing me. "You just don't get it do you? I'm not that person anymore. And even though I did struggle with a lot, that doesn't mean I can read minds. Everyone is different and hides and exposes things differently. How could I have seen the signs when they weren't the same as when I was just like him. I'm not a mind reader so I'm sorry If I didn't see it right away. I'm only human. You all are just as guilty as I am. And another thing too. Depression is an illness, nothing you can just make assumptions about without even understanding. Yes Liam may have had control over his physical actions and threw himself off that bridge but the illness controlled his mind. It controlled his thoughts. It told him to jump. Liam didn't kill himself, his depression killed him. And I don't care what the doctors say or diagnose it as. When it comes down to the real reason. He didn't die from suicide, he died from depression." I let it all out.

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