Chapter 30 - Moment Of Truth

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  • Dedicated to all of my readers. :) x

*Third Person POV*

Everyone but Zayn found out that Perrie somehow found out what happened and released it to the press. They were devastated. They couldn't believe that Perrie was still trying to ruin their lives. Especially Melody's. Even though this certain event had more to do with Zayn. The family agreed that they would watch over Zayn, and if anything like this were to happen again, then they would make sure Zayn got professional help, but for now, they were just trying to make Zayn comfortable again in his own home and not let Perrie bother him. But that was the problem. Perrie always was lurking in Zayn's mind.

*Melody's POV*

After Zayn finally got home after a couple of days from being in the hospital. We were all finally together. A couple of hours after Zayn got back, we decided to tell him. I thought it would be best if it came from me, since I  am the one Perrie hates the most..

"Zayn?" I said calmly.


"Umm, we have some bad news." I exhaled. "Perrie found out and released what happened to you, to the press."

"W-W-WHAT?!" He said, shocked. Making sure he heard me correctly.

"I'm so sorry Zayn."

"I can't believe that- that- BITCH!"

"I know Zayn. She's nothing but a heartless, cruel bitch." I state.

Zayn nodded, and so did everyone else. But then I noticed something in Zayn's eyes. A feeling. Like, he wanted to- cut. I could sense it. I know because I myself had that feeling and look when I wanted to, you know.

"I'll leave you alone." I told him and walked up to my room, on my way, I was greeted by an Irish boy.

"Baby!" He said, quickly walking to me, lifting me up and wrapping me in his arms.

"Hey. Well aren't you in a cheerful mood."

"Yeah, I'm just so happy I have you." He smiled with his eyes and lips.

"Aww, and I couldn't have asked for a better prince." I smile back.

"But Niall-" I stop him from trying to get 'sexual' "I'm just worried about Zayn, I just told him the news. I could tell he didn't take it well." I said in a sad voice.

"I know, we're all worried about him. I hope he will be okay. We just have to help him through this." Niall grabs my hand and he leads me into his room and closes the door.

He looks at me. "I'm worried about you too." He traces his fingers over my hoodie sleeve where the bandage is from the cut.

"Don't be. After seeing Zayn in the hospital bed, and well, just everything happen this past week." I paused. "I just don't want to be this way anymore. I never did actually. And now I know that I just want to be truly happy with myself and this new chance for me to finally do that." I smile. "I don't have the need to cut anymore. I don't have the erge. After knowing how bad it hurt to see Zayn, I know I never would want to put anyone through that, more than I already have." I said, being honest.

"I know. I know YOU. I know that you would never intened to hurt any of us."

I smile, but then it fades away. "I know that Zayn still wants to cut though. I can see it in his eyes. And I want to help him, I want to help him be happy again, in a healthy way."

"If anyone could fix Zayn, it's you." He smiled. "Oh, and that reminds me, you're doing good with your eating too, right?"

"Yepp." I give a believable smile.

Lost, Hopeless, and Destroyed (A One Direction/Niall Horan Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now