Chapter 21 - Truth Comes Out

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*Author's Note*

Thank you to everyone who's being patient!

Means a lot! <3

Well here's the chapter  anyways. haha.

I will update soon hopefully!

(: x


*Melody's POV*

I turn around and I could believe who I saw...

It was Harry. What the fuck? Why is he here? It's not like he cared about me anyways. "Mel! What's up with you? Are you okay?" Harry asked suddenly.

"No, Harry! I'm not- just please leave me alone."

"Please tell me what's wrong with you. What happened between you and Perrie. It was so,,, sudden." I started to cry and he pulled me in for a hug, but I rejected it.

"It doesn't matter anymore! Nothing does. And it's not like you care anyways. You have your new girlfriend, so just go back and-"

"Melody! No! And I will not leave you alone right now. And for heaven's sake I do care about you! Why do you think I confronted you about those razors I found?! Or that time I wanted you to eat lunch with me?! Mel, no matter what I will always love you. And so will the rest of us. Especially Niall." He was right. But It was still hard to believe with the voices telling me the exact opposite.

"I know, I'm just so-sorry. I just am- I-I.." I continued to cry.

"Shh shh it's okay. Just tell me what happened." I handed him my phone and showed him the texts Perrie had sent me over the months. I had saved them all. He gasped when he saw them and his mouth was wide open. Not being able to take in what he saw. But then I think he finally realized what he just read, and then took it in. His eyes started to water and he pulled me in for another hug, this time I went along with it. His hugs were sweet and gentle. He held me for a mintute until my phone rang. It was Niall. I answered it.

"Hello?" I say into the phone.

"Mel. WHERE ARE YOU?! ARE YOU OKAY?! WHAT HAPPENED?!" Niall suffocated me with questions.

"Niall calm down, I'm fine. Harry found me. We're coming back now. I will talk to you then"

"Oh-okay, please just hurry back. Love you."

"Love you too." I hung up the phone.

"Okay, well we better h-head back then." Harry said to me.

"I-I.. I don't know if I-I can.." I said hopelessly.

"Sure you can love. You are a strong beautiful girl."

"I'm sorry Haz. For everything I put all of you through..."

"What?! Don't be silly. It's not your fault. Things happen. It's life. It doesn't matter to us. We want to help you. We love you."

"I just don't think I can go back there.."

"You can do it, I know you can." He said confidently. "I won't let her hurt you anymore. Niether will Niall or the rest of us. Zayn will understand. I just hope he see's beneath her lies."

"It's not just t-that." I stuttered. "I'm not the one for Niall. I'm too broken. He deserves better than me. I can't keep putting him and all of you through this, I just ca-" He stopped me.

Lost, Hopeless, and Destroyed (A One Direction/Niall Horan Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now