Chapter 19 - The Carnival

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*Author's Note*

Again, thank you to all the readers (like I basically say in every chapter lol)

And thank you for the comments! Haha, it means a lot!! x

***I did write a lot for this chapter and I saved it more than once and when I went back to it, more then half was deleted. I don't know how this happened. i am so fucking angry right now omg. So I'm sorry if it's a short chapter.***

12 votes for Chapter 20 ~


*Melody's POV*

It's been a couple of weeks since that incident with Perrie. Since then she has been getting more meaner and meaner. And she texts me too. I don't even know how she got my number. Maybe Zayn gave it to her. Damn, she's got such a tight grip on him, that he'll believe anything. Wow, I just would like to know why me? Like is she jealous of me, or- wait. Haha who am I kidding. Who the fuck would be jealous of me? Ha, yeah nobody. I am still trying to recover from everything I've been through and I probably will be for the rest of my life. I haven't cut or purged for a few months now. This has been the longest I've been without. I'm proud of myself, and so is everyone else. Besides that psycho Perrie. I still haven't told anyone about what's been going on. I'm afraid that Perrie might do something to me. Like really bad. She's a manipulative cruel person. And those people you shouldn't mess with, I know from experience. I am also scared no one would believe me, seeing as she pulls off the sweet and innocent act. Anyways, let's cut to the chase. Me and Niall are headed to our date. We were doing a group date with Eleanor, Louis, Liam, Danielle, Harry, Megan, Zayn, and Perrie. Megan was Harry's new girlfriend. She was really sweet, but sort of shy. But I liked her, she was cool. Perrie on the other hand.. Ugh don't even get me started with her. YUCK! We decided to go to the neighborhood carnival they were having this weekend. I hope it's gonna be fun, and I pray that Perrie won't ruin it for me. She was making it difficult for me to be happy, and for no fucking reason!

We arrived at the carnival and it was going good so far. Until Zayn pulled me aside for a second. "So do you like Perrie?" He asked me. I wanted to tell him the truth, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

"Yeah, she's cool."

"I knew you two would get along." He smiled. I did an awkward smile back. We went back to the group that was only a few feet away. I make my way back to Niall. Perrie notices and gives me a smirk. Ugh, that bitch pisses me off. We start playing a few games and Niall wins a stuffed animal kitty cat for me.

"Aww, you're the best babe." I tell him.

"Anything for my princess." He kisses me on the cheek. I blush. "So how about some cotton candy?"


"OUUUH! COTTON CANDY!" Louis yelled.

"Haha, calm down Lou." Eleanor said.

"Hey, you know how I get when it comes to cotton candy." Everyone laughed. Perrie did a fake laugh. I could tell she didn't give a rats ass. Bitch.

"Here ya go!" The person at the stand gave us the cotton candy. We all got one except Zayn and Perrie. They were sharing some mini donuts. I ate the cotton candy slowly, taking little pieces off with my fingers. It melted in my mouth. It was good. And I wasn't going to let my eating disorder or the voices in my head or anything stop me from eating something I wanted for a change. I always used to love sugar and sweets and it felt good to finally be able to have some again.

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