Chapter 13 - Surprise Visit

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*Authors Note*

ELLO!!! Hope you guys like this one. <3

Sorry it's kind of short, but If i get 5 votes or more then I promise to make the next chapter much more longer!

So pleaseeee voteeeee!! (:

Thank you lovelies xx


*Melody's POV*

I woke up in the bathroom surrouned by the thick liquid I call my blood. It looked weird because i had been there all day and I looked at the clock. It was 10 pm. I remember going into the bathroom at about 6 pm. I slowly got up, still light headed. All of a sudden I hear a loud knock at the door. I ignore it. I hear the knock again, and a voice trailed behind it. "MEL, OPEN UP IT'S ME!.. ELEANOR!" I hear her yell. 'Shit!' I say to myself. I quickly try to pull myself together and clean myself and this mess up. I almost get it all until I hear the door click and her yells through the silent house. I then hear someone running up the stairs and my door creek open. "Melody?.." I hear her question into the empty room. Oh, shit. I'm screwed now. Too late... "Yeah I'm in here." I say, my voice faint.

"Hey baby, are you okay?.. It's El."

"Yeah I'm here El. Everything's fine." I lie to her through the door.

"Are you sure hun? The boys haven't heard anything from you in over a week. We all were starting to get worried, so I thought I'd stop by to check on yuh."

"I'm sorry, I've just been distant. Nothing against you guys."

"Okay baby, but can you please open the door so I know you're all right?"

"I-I can't do that El."

"Why not?! PLEASE!.." She starts to shake the door knob trying to twist it but it's locked.

"Just hold on one second." I started to clean up the rest of the blood on the floor and on my arms. I had already cleaned the ones on my thighs and hips. But then suddenly the door flew open. I guess I was too busy trying to hide the evidence and didn't realize that Eleanor had picked the lock. Damn, did she know how to do everything?! Could she be anymore perfect???

Eleanor's mouth gasped in horror and her hand flew slightly over her mouth. She ran up to me, noticing the dry yet think sticky blood smeared around on the floor. She then looked at my arms and started to tear up. I can't believe I've hurt yet another person. Could I turn anymore into a monster?

"Baby, why did you d-do this to yours-self?" She asked me, about to cry.

"I'm so sorry El. I really am. I always screw up." I said beginning to also cry.

"No you don't! Just please don't do this to yourself again... Promise me?"

"I p-promise." I say to her with my head down.

But promises were meant to be broken. And I knew that I wouldn't be able to keep it. And that, teared me apart inside..

*the next day*

Eleanor had spent the night last night with me in my bed. She was a good friend and comforted me. That made me feel special, in a way.. and a part of me was glad she showed up last night. I just wish she would have came before my 'episode'.

*Eleanor's POV*

When I woke up next to Melody, I still couldn't believe the events that took place last night. I can't believe Melody would hurt herself like this. I also noticed many more scars on her arm and wrist. I felt so bad for her. I wish I couldn't have known sooner and helped in some sort of way. I'm glad I came over last night though. I could sense she felt safe knowing I was there. And that brought me a very warm feeling. Knowing I could do that for her.

I had to tell the boys though. Especially Niall. I had too. They deserve to know. I didn't want to risk the boys coming home not knowing what she had been doing to herself and come home to see her dead on the floor from cutting 'too deep'. I loved her and I needed to show her that. I wanted her to trust me. But that can't happen if I tell the boys... Ugh! I don't know what to think right now!! I hate feeling like this.... I really do. But I think I'm not going to tell the boys.. Yet anyways. I want them to hear it from Melody herself. Well at least I wanted Niall to hear it from her in this case.

*Melody's POV*

I woke up in an empty bed. I wonder where El is? Probably in the bathroom or in the kitchen.. Wait, what if she left? Left me? Was I really that useless? Hmm I wondered.. I got up and walked to the bathroom. No sign of her. I walk into the kitchen. No one. I make my way into the living room. No one in sight. Then I see a note. It read...


I went out for some groceries since I seen we have absolutely no food here. How do you survive girl?? Anyway's I'll be back shortly. Probably around 11:00am. See you then.

Love you lots,

Eleanor xx

I looked at the clock, 10:32am. Oh great, now she's gonna expect me to eat when she get's back. Shit. How am I going to get out of this one? I had to think of something.. And I had to do it in 28 minutes or less. Okay this was going to be difficult. Fuck...

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