20➵ Soberity sucks

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Don't we all just want to disappear?

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Don't we all just want to disappear?

Like drop everything run away from all our life tugging problems, drown our selves in endless pits of alchol and
live on some remote island of the coast of nowhere where nobody can find us, until we somewhat have our lives together again.

But disappearing is pretty much impossible...

But it's not just a word but a feeling, something you feel deep down in your core when it all gets to much, it's a feeling we all want to experience at some point.

Sometimes we don't want to just disappear but travel back to a time so deeply ingraved in our mind, where you were so carefree and happy you replay it like a broken record.

Not just a moment but a special memory, you want to go back to a memory so special you want to relish in it forever.

....but the sad thing is you don't evens realize your making memories in the moment...

Memories are a sweet but sickly thing to hold onto they can remind you of a better, simpler- happier, evens if there were few of them, time they taunt you when your mind needs them the most when your really struggling to find something to live for not disappear for.

I prefer to live in the memories cause I don't want to face reality.

To me it's better to live in a moment and create those few memories to hold onto, or take pleasure in past memories that cling onto my beaten, black heart, than live in the means of a harsh reality I live in now.

"The moment was fun while it lasted but now it's time to face reality." You tell yourself evens with desperate pleading eyes and hopeless tears pooling down your face, pretty much saying I don't want to but I have too.

It was just a moment not reality...

Now it's a memory

And you just want to disappear now

But just like moments we live in memories nothing more

Nothing less


The last thing I remember was the faint feeling of being picked up by big buff arms and a muffled sound of a door being slammed, and then being placed onto some cold, comfy surface.

But after that nothing complete and utter black.

I shift around under the soft surface and hear incoherent shouts coming from around me. I ignore them though and my partially conscious self goes right back to sleep, sinking further into the soft surface.

"Have you seen this?" I barely hear someone shout, but they sounded angry and irritated.

"Fucking hell- what did this girl do now?!" I hear another italian New York sounding voice say from around me.

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