23➵ Too good to be true

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The word chimed in my head on repeat like a broken record.

I didn't think I would hear that word, my tainted name, coming from that mouth, from that unforgettable raspy voice or from the tongue that spewed lies like an addictive sport ever again.

It didn't feel real at all, it couldn't have been real.

Coming from that mouth my name sounded like poison to my mind, intoxicating, harmful and dangerous.


My mind couldn't come to a valid conclusion of what was happening, I couldn't comprehend what was happening. My mind told me it wasn't real I was dreaming but my heart said it was, it was real.

The same heart that had been beaten and broken by the man standing infront of me. The heart that loved him with all it could but didn't have enough strength to carry on loving him.

The heart that loved him to much for its own good.

It's was really him

Standing broad and brude, he looked the same but so- so different but it was him it could only be him.

He was bigger than the last time I saw him not as skinny, but leaner and well built. His hair was still scruffy flying all over his forehead, around his ears and covering his eyes. He still wore a bland worn out black band t-shirt and scaffed ripped jeans.

But one thing was a definite he was high-. He looked tired and pale, paler than when he left months ago, his body was saggy and lazy, his blue veins were sticking out and his eyes were sunken and bloodshot. He looked like a damn wreck- that's putting it likely.

It was heart breaking to look at his eyes. They were no longer bright brown like the soil in the ground or the bark of dark oak trees nor rich like decadent dark chocolate. They didn't seep rays of shining sparks like the sun, they were no longer bright with overloading happiness. Sure they looked pretty dull way back then but they were just dead looking now. The brown swirling around in his irises were muddy and black, nothing shined in them but a glassy over coat, the white surrounding his eyes was not bright and clean but red so red and bloodshot.

They looked gone

But he did it to himself- nobody told him to do drugs but himself

"Xa- Xavier" I whispered in disbelief. It was soft and light but heavy with different types of emotions.

"Thena, It's you... it's really you!" He said loudly reassuring himself I was there, it seemed as though we both were floating in denial, unable too comprehend the other was real.

When I didn't say anything he shook his head and took slow steady steps closer to me, when I noticed I took a giant step back. "No..." I mutterd to him as he stilled in his path. "No- were not doing this now."

𝐀𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐨 𝐀𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐚Where stories live. Discover now