35➵ Guns Any Day Of The Week

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Guess where I am? Yes– a complete and utter waste of my time, bullshit of a place, fucking suicide inducing-

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Guess where I am? Yes– a complete and utter waste of my time, bullshit of a place, fucking suicide inducing-

"Watch the fuck out asshole!"

My sorry ass is at school, "sorry princess." The blonde haired fucker who knocked into me shouts with sarcasm.

I huff a retort, and instead go to the bathrooms to bunk English.

I had Dante to cover for me if push comes to shove and I get caught, but at this point I couldn't give less of a shit.

I pass the lockers, waving at people calling my name. I'm too fucking tired for this shit today...

I almost reach the lockers when a pair of familiar green eyes catch my sight. "Zane?" His face darts to mine and a pink lipped smile pulls on his face. "Amira, nice to see your short ass around here for once."

I flip him off, which he just laughs at. "Yeah well when shit hits the fan I run from it not face it." I laugh solemnly, and then his face contours in recognition. "I heard about that. Are you okay?" He asked giving me a discreetl once over.

"Perfect. It was just another day being in a family of well— criminals right?" The one corner of his mouth lifts up, "yeah, right."

After a short conversation, the halls start clearing out and I know that's my cue to leave, "I better run, can't have my ass dragged to English now can? " I say and when I'm about to walk away his muscley hand wraps around my arm. "There's something I need to talk you about. Now. " He says under his breath so we can only hear.

I glance around the room, "now?" I question, and his face falls into a 'duh' expression. "Yes. Now."

Not wanting to waste a minute longer in this place I agree to go with him.


We went to that same building he took me to the last time except inside, and in his office, which looks more like a mini club with a desk and computer in it.

"How fancy." I say as I fall into one of the plush cushioned chairs near the mini bar. "No expense spared." He muttered fixing us both a whiskey. He hands me the liquid and I take a sip, letting the burn and warmth of it soak in me.

Zane goes to the the chair adjacent this one taking out his computer and facing it to me. All I see is a bunch of tabs, and numbers and... I don't know stuff. "What... what am I looking at here?" I question and he gives me a deadpanned look. "Patience princess." He mutters and I huff a sigh falling into my seat.

I slouch further, drinking my whisky, when a video pops up and starts playing. At first I'm confused, staring at the grainy photage, until two figures appear on screen.

They appear to be talking, both cloaked in black, backs turned from the camera. "Does this have any sound?" He gives a shallow nod, pressing a button and turning the volume up.

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