24➵ Its all coming down

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"What. The. Fuck. Happend. Too. You?!" Matteo gritted out and made his way to my beaten state. In the moment I didn't know what to say so I fumbled a sluggish smile, chuckled under my breath and shrugged my shoulders. Though nobody seemed to find it funny so I shut up and looked towards the ground.

The minute those humorless laughs escaped my lips hell broke loose and a stamped of giant footsteps could be heard coming up the stairs and closer towards me.

When I looked up I had seen not just the few brothers that were with me but all eight of them furiously staring at me with confused angry states, all rocking disheveled hair, glares, some with untied tyes and unbuttoned dress shirts but most definitely having some sort of alcohol with them.

What the fuck happend here?

There was an overwhelming amount of shouting ringing in my ear, causing my head to hurt along with the pain from the wound along my forehead from dearest Xavier-. The shouts were never ending filled with worry and rage, with pacing footsteps along.

"Where the hell have you been?" Shouted a fuming Nicholas who came closer towards me to inspect my dirty disheveled self, "and why are you so- messed up?" He said unsure of what other way to put it, but in all honesty I was messed up frankly.

"I'm fine..." I sighed keeping my eyes half closed with a heavy weight of sleep dragging on them. "Clearly." Said Ellio with notes of humor and sarcasm in his tone, it was obviously not the time for that right now but it did lift the mood getting an airy laugh out of me.

"Boy, shut up." Growled Matteo with a sigh in his tone and instantly Ellio shut it with a glimmer of amusement still lingering in his expression.

I looked around the secluded hallway- wait it's empty... it's only us. Then I realized that the guards stationed around the hallway were gone. Nobody was here.

"Were is all the guards?" I muttered under my breath catching their attention. "There all downstairs looking for you." Stefano grumbled with a heavy bite in his tone that I rolled my eyes to, but when he said that my words got caught in my tongue.

"W-why? I'm right here." I pathetically stuttered, so much for keeping a confident demeanor. Deep down I already knew the answer I was just to scared to hear it. "Why else, we thought you were fucking kidnapped!" Shouted Stefano with seering anger causing me to slightly flinch but he didn't seem to care with the fume coming of himself.

I was speechless thinking they wouldn't evens know I had left, I mean with the earlier fight and the other days events why would they evens have come to look in my room... but they all thought I was kidnapped...

A heavy feeling of dread washed over me with the thought they all must've been reminded of what happend the last time.

But I didn't think it was such a big deal- I thought they would want me gone.

𝐀𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐨 𝐀𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐚Where stories live. Discover now