Chapter 27

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Y/n: “Tell me, baby.. What do you want?”

I asked him for the 9th time. We were standing out of the bakery for a long time after a trip around the beautiful places and now he was thinking hard about what to buy.

He looked at me and pouted.

TaeTae: “I-I can’t chwose one!”
He sulked like a baby he is. I giggled.

Y/n: “So can I get something for you?”

TaeTae: “Y-yes pwease, b-but I wan a lot!”

He stretched out his arms. I laughed slightly and so as the lady standing at the counter.

Y/n: “Will you be able eat that much?”
He let his hands fall down.

TaeTae: “TeTe can’t!”
I cooed and kissed his forehead.

Y/n: “If you want something again you can tell me hm?”
His eyes sparkled as he nodded hastily.

I turned back at the middle-aged lady, who warmly smiled at me which I gladly returned back.

Y/n: “Could you please give me 4 chocolate muffins, 2 pieces of tart and yeah these sweet buns too?”

The lady nodded and started to pack those things.

Y/n: “You want anything more TaeTae?”
He looked at me.

TaeTae: “Yesh! TeTe wanna eat!”

Y/n: “Baby, first we need to find a beautiful place and we’ll eat there, it’s a picnic right?”
He pouted but nodded anyways. I paid for the items.

“He’s so cute.. Is he different from us?”
The lady spoke out. I slightly smiled at her.

Y/n: “Um yes.. you can say something like that..”

I scratched my nape, the lady giggled and waved at us. TaeTae jumped and waved at the lady. I ruffled his hair as we made our way through the street.

TaeTae: “The stweet is b-beau-tifl”
I suppressed my laugh and responded.

Y/n: “Not more than my TaeTae..”

TaeTae: “TeTe is no be-beauti! TeTe is handshome”
I giggled and nodded.

Y/n: “Okay as you say, handsome boy..”
TaeTae blushed.

He suddenly screamed startling me.

TaeTae: “TeTe wan go thewe! Pwease pwease! I wan pway there!”

Before I could process what he was talking about, he started dragging me there.

I sighed in realization when I noticed that was a park. I smiled.

Y/n: “Okay baby, but stop dragging me ‘kay?”
I caressed his hands that were entangled.

He jumped excitedly. I couldn’t help but feel extremely happy and satisfied to see him happy and experience the beautiful world out of the 4 walls he has been living in.

There were already some children playing. I sighed and took him there.

TaeTae gasped, looking at children sliding.

TaeTae: “I wanna swide too!”
I chuckled.

Y/n: “That’s a slide baby..”

TaeTae: “S-swide..”
He pouted and looked at me. I shook my head and smiled assuring him that he’s alright.

TaeTae: “Pwease..”
He asked with his puppy eyes pointing at the slide.

I nodded and took him there.

His Multiple Personality DisorderWhere stories live. Discover now