Chapter 50

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V: “That means, we’re getting married?”
V asked with his eyebrow raised, as he continued to softly caress her waist.

Y/n: “Yes.. Am so excited!”
She looked up with her sparkling eyes. V bit on his lower lip to see her happy.

V: “B-but I didn’t propose you right?”
Y/n looked at him.

Y/n: “Then do it now”

V: “You’re not getting me! Who would be standing beside you in aisle?”
He sulked.

Y/n: “V! Even if you’re five the body is still one, okay? Ofcourse it would be the one who created you all”

Y/n inhaled sharply, V sighed and gave a timid nod with a small smile, burying down the tiny bit of jealousy he felt.

V: “Can I see you like that?”

Y/n: “Of course you can.. but wait what do you mean by that?”

V: “Lis—”

Y/n: “And if you’re thinking that I’ll get married for 5 times or maybe 4 then you’re wrong! Should I just keep getting married for a lifetime, what the hell?”

She huffed and placed her head on his chest.

V: “I didn’t say something like that, all I wish is just to see you in that bridal dress.. looking like an angel fallen from the sky”
He said dreamily. A small smile forming on his lips.

Y/n blushed profusely.

Y/n: "Shut up with your cheesy dialogues!"

V clicked his tongue.

V: "I'm just stating the truth, love. I would sacrifice but I won't miss the chance to see you that day.. the day when you'll be mine and you'll look--”

Y/n: “Okay, enough!”

V: “Wait, why are your cheeks red?”
He chuckled softly when she whined and tried to hide her face.

V: "Well.. I'll sacrifice only if Vante does."
He decided to tease her a bit, and tried his best hold in her laugh when she froze.

She looked up at him, her expression showing nervousness.

Y/n: “B-but he won’t l-listen—”

V: “Then nor do I”
He looked away.

Y/n: “Okay! I’ll try okay?!”

V: “Mhm let’s see”
He smirked.

Y/n: “First stop smirking!”
She stomped her feet feeling annoyed.

And that’s how she ended up being infront of her soon to be sister in law who laughed at the already created mess.

Y/n: “Yah! You shouldn’t laugh eonnie!”
Y/n whined.

Mia: “I pity you..”
She said and continued laughing.

Y/n: “Okay then keep on laughing! I’ll just go!”
She stood up to leave.

Mia: “Hey! Hey I’m sorry okay? I’ll not laugh anymore”
Mia said composing herself. She turned serious and started thinking.

Mia: “But what’s wrong if you let them marry you separately?”

Y/n: “If I give in this time, they would ask for everything separately, starting from the vows to.. you know what I am saying”

Mia just softly laughed and nodded. She gulped when she found y/n glaring at her again.

His Multiple Personality DisorderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora