Chapter 68

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Double update 😗🔪

Y/n couldn't stop him, he didn't hear her. Never would she let him, sign the papers. Her fuzzy mind looked around until her gaze stuck on the small blade kept there.

When realisation hit her, she grabbed it and made a cut on her palm without any hesitation, she screamed in pain.

'This shit hurts gosh!'
She cursed herself, but her heart felt satisfaction when the blood was dribbling down.

She found his attention on her.  Staring at her for a while, he crouched down. Y/n stared at him in confusion.

'Don't tell me the plan isn't working..'
Y/n felt her hopes dying down until he looked up with a smirk.

Y/n almost smiled when they made eye contact, his smirk dropped down as he rushed towards her.

"Oh my god! Angel.. your.. your hand is-- it's very deep"
He started panicking. Y/n smiled in relief.

Y/n: "I-It hurts"
She teared up. Jack hugged her. His blood boiled when he looked around watching a group of people watching them.

He clenched his jaw, his lips stretching to a wide smirk, when he noticed the pen in his hand.

His spooky glint fell upon the body guard who was standing just beside them.

"How come you're standing all healthy? Eh?"
He asked the guard with a furrowed eyebrows. Y/n shuddered at his sarcastic voice, that sounded everything but angry to her.

"My angel's hand is bleeding and why isn't yours?"
He sulked. He pulled out from the hug. Y/n gulped.

He walked to the big of a man. He looked at the pen he was still holding and back at the man who stared at him in confusion.

Out of nowhere he stabbed the nip of the pen directly in the middle of his palm. The man screamed in pain as Jack smirked now feeling happy, digging the pen deeper inside.

Y/n gasped and so did others. Kangin stood up, horrified. Jack pulled out the pen, as the guard gasped in pain holding his hand, sliding down the wall.

Jack sulked again.
"This is not fair, it's not drawing enough blood"

Kangin was creeped out. As far as he know he wasn't Vante, or V. Then who was he?

Jack: "My angel's blood is very precious to me. How come your blood isn't dribbling like her?"
He was cut off when he heard a trigger behind.

Y/n panicked. Jack tilted his head looking at the gun as he smiled softly.

"Yes. Gun will draw enough blood right? Good boy, give it to me now"
He stood infront of the gun, holding it.

Y/n: "JACK!"
Y/n yelled, getting scared as the gun was pointed directly on his chest. Jack shushed her.

Jack: "Angel, please. I told you, how much I hate your tears, your blood. Let me satisfy my heart. See there are many people here, just imagine, I'll start torturing them, they'll bleed, cry that's so much happiness!"

Y/n shuddered at his words. She wasn't yet used to it.

Jack sighed when the person wouldn't let go of the gun.
"Give me this gun. I won't take it forever with me. I'll give it back to you"

The said man was panicking.

Y/n yelled when someone hit him on the back of his head. She rushed to him and held him from falling down.

Y/n: "J-Jack.. are you okay?"

Kangin held y/n by her hair, almost instantly.
"Whoever he is! At least you're going to be mine, whore"

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