07} I Don't Like This Brand New Job, E-I-E-I-Ugh.

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The day after Maya and Brandy became friends, (Or best friends), there was another backstage meeting. That's right, it was finally held 2 weeks after the first meeting. Mrs. Fannel classroom was filled to the brim with students like last time, all chatting away excited about what jobs they could've got out of the ones they've chosen. Sarah and Bella were also there and were pretty excited, too.

"Can you believe it?" Bella says to Sarah, " I've been waiting for this day forever! I'm so happy that she's finally telling us our jobs," She finished, Sarah chuckling.

After that, Mrs. Fannel came in with a stack of papers in her arms. Seems like she just came back from the school's printer room. The students quickly hushed after seeing her entrance, now ready to know what jobs they got.

"Hello, students!" Mrs. Fannel exclaimed, placing all the papers she had down on the table in front of her. "Very sorry you all had to wait this long! The musical really got me distracted from you guys," She explains. Some students giggle when they hear 'she got distracted' from paying attention to them.

"Anyways, let's be quick here so you guys can go for lunch," Mrs. Fannel says, now picking up the paper from the table again. "Here is a permission slip with your job in the musical in it," She explains, the class furiously whispering, "Make sure the permission slip gets signed so that I know you'll take the spot, and make sure you recognized your job, as well. The paper shows which rehearsal you come to depending on the job." She finished.

"PLEASE get those forms signed as I think all of the jobs you guys got are perfect for you guys." Ms. Fannel says once more before going around the classroom handing out all the permission forms.

The moment the first few are handed out, you immediately hear the noise level go up. Everyone sounds excited, relieved, and just happy. All as if they got the job they exactly wanted. Just then, Ms. Fannel gave the forms to Sarah and Bella, who immediately flipped the paper to the proper angle to find which job they got.

"Woo, I got it!" Bella exclaimed excitedly, "I got hair and makeup!" She finished. Sarah chuckled at her friend, glad she got the job she wanted.

Sarah then looked at the corner of her form where her job was. She read the job slowly over and over again, her smile fading a bit.

"I got prop coordinator," Sarah finally said in an upset tone, Bella noticing.

"Good job? Isn't that what you wanted?" Bella asked.

"Well yeah," Sarah replied, "But that was my second choice that wasn't the one I wanted, I wanted stage manager so badly, Bella!" She complained, Bella just chuckling.

"I knew it," Bella said, Sarah looking at her confused.

"Knew what?"

"That you really wanted that job to get closer to Ben~ja~min," She said in a weird lovey-dovey tone. Sarah jerked.

"Bella!" She shouted softly, "I don't want the job for him!"

"Oh really?" Bella said, her top eyelids going down a bit into a 'siren' look, "stage managers have to be at every rehearsal, and at every rehearsal, a Benjamin is there," She explained, Sarah now blushing in embarrassment.

"Ok, ok, maybe it's because I wanted to see him," Sarah admitted, Bella smirked gladly, "But it also looked like a fun job! Being able to tell the cast what to do when something is wrong and stuff like that sounds like something I'd do best in!" She explained.

"Sheesh, Sarah, you're really something," Bella said before getting up and leaving the class.

"Hey!" Sarah shouted, "Wait for me!" She yelled, chasing her friend who had already left the class.


Geez, this is such a short part! (My shortest one, to be exact.) Anyways, I hope you liked it.

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