21} Desolate

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Benjamin continued his walk to the front of the school over to where his Mom would pick him up. His eyes were still teary, and he could sob any second now. Sure, he gave such a confident speech in his head during the last part, but that isn't an excuse to the heartbroken feeling in his heart.

He liked Sarah. He really did. So, seeing her be together with another guy, literally kissing the crap out of him, too, broke him. Still, he had Isabelle to be happy with, but it still didn't feel right nor good. He wanted Sarah, but it's too late for that now.

To cover up his red face due to all his tears, Benjamin put up the hood on his hoodie to cover most his face and looked down. Most people left the school so he wouldn't have to worry much about gaining much attention.

He saw his Mom's car in the distance, staying there as it awaited for the man to sit in it. He walked over there without trying to make too much eye contact with his Mom. The last thing he needed was for her to see his sloppy face. (Sloppy-💀)

When he got to the car, he opened the door, hopped in real quick, and shut the door.

"Hey, Benjamin!" His Mom greeted cheerfully. At least the woman was in a good mood.

"Hi Mom," Benjamin said in a tone blanker than the white walls in your room, blanker than the area in the brain that makes you think smartly, blanker than that 10-page essay you have that's due soon, blanker than- you guys get it.

Benjamin's Mom glanced at her son for a short while after his response. She knew something was off with how melancholy it was said. Plus, Benjamin was a cheerful boy. It was scarce for him to be upset like this. Benjamin's Mom pressed the drive button and began to drive the car away from the school.

The car ride was terribly quiet. Benjamin didn't feel like talking as he shuffled as close to the car window as he possibly could.

Benjamin's Mom hated being in complete silence, so after 15 minutes of driving, she finally spoke up.

"Did anything fun happen today?" Benjamin's Mom asked. The woman silently cursed at herself after that. The boy didn't look like anything fun had happened.

"No." Was the only reply Benjamin's Mom got from the boy. It was better than nothing at the end of the day, so it was alright.

Benjamin, on the other hand, was still processing what he had just witnessed. The memory is replaying so detailed in his head.

The way both people's lips move so well yet in sync, the way Kyle had gripped Sarah's back to bring her in closer to the boy, and most importantly, the way Sarah seemed to enjoy it all.

He slapped himself in the mind at that last part. Why does that even matter to him? Sarah was happy now after all, right? He was happy, right? He should be happy for the girl, his ex-friend, his cr- I mean, yeah.

But no matter how many times he says it, he still falls deep for the girl. He really did.

The car pulled up into the driveway of Benjamin's home. Benjamin's Mom parked the car and gathered her stuff. Benjamin put his backpack on his back and headed straight for the indoors.

"Benjamin! Could you please prepare lunch-"

"WHY CAN'T YOU JUST MAKE IT," Benjamin yelled, startling the woman.

"Benjamin Jolter, you know I don't like that tone," Benjamin's Mom said, her face turning into a frown.

"I don't care, Mom! Every single GODDAMN DAY, I have to do the chores for you." Benjamin complained, placing his backpack down and looking in the fridge for a snack.

"Isn't that the point? They are YOUR CHORES, Benjamin!" Benjamin's Mom replied.

"Why don't you get it by now? You almost NEVER clean the house anymore. It's always my duty to make sure it's all done. 'Benjamin, please do the dishes.' 'Benjamin, do the laundry.' 'Benjamin, prepare dinner.' 'Benjamin, help me cook.' 'Benjamin, Benjamin, BENJAMIN!'" Benjamin mocked in his mother's voice. "When can I have a break? WHEN?!"

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