20} Disputes

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It was Thursday now. Isabelle's party was getting closer by the minute, and everyone couldn't stop talking about it.

"Isabelle's party is going to be lit!"

"Are you going to Isabelle's party?"

"I heard a lot of boys are going to be at Isabelle's pool party. I should wear something sexy."

Sarah, Bella, and Maya were right now in their math class. Mr. Tavoc was pretty boring about the class again, so everyone sat in there like zombies bored out of their minds.

Sarah was peacefully taking notes at her desk. She suddenly felt her back being tapped on by a pen. Turning in her seat, Sarah faced Maya, who was tapping her shoulder.

"What?" Sarah whispered.

"What's the answer to number 4???" Maya asked. Maya's hand was furiously fidgeting with her pencil, and the girl seemed anxious but wearing a nervous smile. An unusual state for Maya to be in.

"Figure it out!!!" Sarah whispered-yelled. Sarah turned back to face her notes, grabbing her pen to write in them once again.

Yet again, she felt the pen tapping on her back. She turned and faced Maya, the girl having that same anxious face still with that nervous smile.

"What?!" Sarah whispered in a louder tone.

"The answer to.. 5?" Maya asked nervously.

"You know you'll get in trouble if I help you. Ask Mr. Tavoc instead!" Sarah replied before turning back to her work. She yanked her pen and wrote down her notes hurriedly now as she missed some stuff on the board.

Once AGAIN, Sarah feels pen tapping on her back. She thrashed her head towards Maya. The girl looked at her innocently yet anxiously yet again.

"WHAT?" Sarah whispered in the loudest tone, trying her best not to let her voice project too loudly in the classroom.

"Okay, I'm sorry for pestering you for so long," Maya apologized whilst whispering. "I actually have something to tell you, but I'm nervous since I'm telling you in class with MR.TAVOC." She explained in a stern voice.

"What happened?" Sarah asked.

"It's Kyle. He asked me to tell you to meet him at the back of the school when school's over. He said it was like, REALLY important..." Maya explained, Sarah nodding.

"Thanks for letting me know, I guess-"

"SARAH AND MAYA," Mr. Tavoc's voice pierced through the girls' convo. Sarah turned in her seat to see the male teacher towering above her and Maya's desk. "I see you guys have something more important than my math lesson today. PLEASE, share with the class on what it is you're talking about," Mr. Tavoc finished in a sarcastic tone.

"Oh, urm- u-uh.." Sarah stammered.

"..." Maya didn't bother to say a thing.

The whole class stared at the 2 girls.

"Just what I thought! Once you get the spotlight, you're both all of a sudden too scared to say a thing. You 2 will be staying after class." Mr. Tavoc declared, the class going 'OoOo~' as the man walked back to the front. Both girls blushed in embarrassment, them both sticking to taking notes instead of chitchating now.


30 minutes later

The bell had rang for lunch, everyone excitedly running out of their classes, ready to be free. Everyone except Sarah and Maya.

The 2 girls headed to Mr. Tavoc's desk, where the teacher was taping away on his laptop. Once the teacher finally noticed the presence of the 2, he repositioned his office chair to face the girls.

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