Chapter 1

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Dedicated to Contagious_ for the new cover

Chapter 1 [Edited]

The sound of a car horn caused me to wake up. My eyes adjusted to the morning light. I should really close my blinds. I yawned, stretched and then ran my fingers through my dark hair in an attempt to de-tangle it. My eyes wondered around 'my room', the events from last night played in my head, like a movie, and I groaned.

After I had showered, I blow dried my hair and put one some denim shorts and a t-shirt since the weather was quite warm today and I paired up my outfit with converses. The chatter from the kitchen became more clearer as I walked down stairs. When I walked in the conversation between my Uncle and Claire had stopped. Talk about awkward.

"Please continue talking. I'm just grabbing an apple and I'm going out." I told them as I made my way towards the fruit bowl.

"Why don't you have a proper breakfast?" Claire asked me and I turned to face her. Uncle Kevin gave me a look that told me to play nice so I forced a smile.

"That's fine I'm going to the cafe with Olivia so I'll just grab something from there," I told her "Thanks though." I said through gritted teeth but smiled. Claire smiled and nodded at me she didn't seem to see through my act although if she did she never called me out on it..

"Be careful out there Melissa," Kevin told me "I want you home before 10."

"But-" I started,

"But nothing you're not 18 yet you will be soon but not yet so I'm still your legal guardian." I groaned and walked away. I grabbed my grey cardigan and my handbag and then made my way towards my car and drove to the cafe.

"Here's your skinny vanilla latte," The man behind the counter told me as he handed me my drink and I paid him. Olivia was almost an hour late and I was starting to get impatient. I reached into my handbag and called Olivia from my phone.

It rang about six times and then she answered it, "Where the hell are you?" I asked her.

"Jeez good day to you," Olivia greeted me and I rolled my eyes even though she couldn't see me.

"Seriously, Olivia I've been here for an hour and people are giving me weird looks especially this old man who's sat at the corner. He keeps glancing at me."

"Well maybe he's just thinking of way to take you on the table,"

I gagged, "You're disgusting," 

She chuckled, "anyway sorry I got held back."

"By what?" She went silent "Or shall I ask whom?...Actually do I even have to ask who?"

She giggled, "I'll give you a clue his name starts with a L..."

"Luke! Seriously you ditched me for Luke?"

"Sorry, well you can come down to my place?"

"Fine... wait is Luke there?"

Olivia sighed, "No, he left. I don't know why you don't like him. He's charming and handsome and - "

"strange," I finished off for her.



"Whatever. Now get your ass over at my place."

I sighed, "Fine. I'll be there in a bit." I love Olivia but her obsession with boys and her friends with benefits thing can get really annoying most of the time. But if she wants a friends with benefits situation why did it have to be Luke? Out of all people it had to be him!

I got into my car but before I could start the engine I heard the sound of gunfire and screaming. I looked back through my rear view mirror, what was causing this commotion? Then I saw a guy who wore a grey hoodie and a pair of jeans. He was holding a gun in his hand with a few officers on his tail. He shot some of the officers as he ran. When he turned his hood fell off and I gasped.

Cole Kennedy.

He looked at me through my rear view mirror and I quickly looked away. Shit. My hands trembled as I tried to put my key into the ignition. My phone started ringing but I couldn't answer it. I was too focused on getting out of here.

Suddenly, the door to my car was opened and I was pulled out by strong cold hands and his arm went around my waist and the gun to my head I gasped and my breathing hitched as his grip on my waist tightened. I could feel him breathing against my back, his warm breath was hitting my shoulder making me shiver slightly. 

"If you move she dies," He said in a deep voice. "Just one pull and the bullet goes through her pretty little head."

The police officers look stunned and then a man in the middle spoke, calm down Son you can just surrender the easy way." I recognised the man, I saw him before with Uncle Kevin "You don't know who you're holding right now and-"

"SHUT UP." Cole screamed causing me to jump slightly. His grip on my waist just tightened more and he pulled me in closer to him. "I don't care who she is but she's my hostage so move one step closer and she's gone." He then stated walking around my car slowly towards the passenger seat side and then he pushed me in and I slid across to the driver's seat side. He sat in the passenger seat. The gun still pointing at my head.

"Drive." He demanded and I looked at him confused.

"W- What?" I questioned and he scowled.

"I said drive can you not hear?" I narrowed my eyes at him and he glared at me. "START THE DAMN ENGINE!" My eyes widened and my shaky hands went to turn the key on my ignition. I turned the car and started driving straight.

"Where am I going?" I asked. My voice was shaky and my heart was racing.

He looked around at the road, the gun was still at my head, "keep going straight."

Oh this is where the real adventure starts.

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