Chapter 32

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Chapter 32 [edited]

 Three weeks later

             "Didn't you just miss Miss Bell's delicious cakes?" Olivia asked as we walked down the street having a slice of our cake that we just brought from the bakery.

           "Yeah," I answered with a smile. I looked around and people were staring at me. I have been all over the news lately and people always looked at me differently now, strangers approached me on the street sometimes to ask about my 'experience', Olivia noticed me looking at the people. 

             "Forget about them in a week or so they'll forget everything," I smiled at Olivia's attempt to assure me that everything was okay.

"Yeah you're probably right"

            "Aren't I always?" I rolled my eyes at her, she kind of reminded me of Cole and I knew if she and Cole were friends they'd get along well. Cole... "I need to tell you something," we sat down on the bench in a park.

"I'm all ears,"

"I think I'm in love, no actually I am in love"

my eyes widened, "with who?"

she blushed and looked away, "Luke?" she sighed, "I know you don't like him and all but--"

"No I'm happy for you, does he know how you feel?" 

"No not yet. He was just so supportive while you were away and he comforted me. I love him Mel." 

I smiled, "well I'm happy for you. I'm sure Luke will feel the same way," hopefully.

               Cole was in jail, no he hasn't been arrested- well he was sort of-  but he wasn't sentenced for life. He was in hospital for a week until he got better then he spent the rest of the week in jail until they had sorted out his court hearing. This week was his court hearing. I hadn't seen him in three weeks, I went to school this week and I have been questioned frequently but after everyone realised I won't be answering any questions any time they left me alone.

              After spending some much needed time with Olivia I made my way home. I opened the door and then closed it behind me as I got in, "I'm home," I yelled out to Uncle Kevin, is he even at home? Lately he's been busy with the case on Cole he's hardly at home nowadays.

             I walked into the living room where Claire was sat, she looked at me and smile. Oh. I forgot she lives here, Uncle Kevin had told me about Claire's pregnancy news and I congratulated her. He then announced that she will be living with us from now on.

"Oh sorry I didn't know you were here," I told her and I turned to leave the room.

                "No it's okay," She told me, "come sit and watch T.V." I looked over at Claire her blonde hair was tied in a braid, she wore her normal jeans and sweater since the weather was colder now. I nodded and walked into the living room and sat on the couch. Awkward. "I haven't really talked to you, you know since you came back," I nodded, "Um Kevin told me about you and Cole"

"Oh, well if you're going to judge--"

               "No, no I'm not going to judge. If you like him then you like him, there's nothing anyone can do about it. What happened between you both stays between you both."

"Oh," I wasn't expecting that, "well, um, thanks I guess,"

She smiled at me, "I just wanted to ask how you're dealing with all of this. Have you seen Cole?"

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