Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 [edited]

             Breathe in and out Melissa I encouraged myself mentally. I mean what's the worst he can do? Shoot you with the gun that he currently holds oh thanks for the encouragement brain. Why am I standing besides the door with an omelet having a mental argument with myself? The gun shots brought me back to life. I gulped as I walked in.

            Normally a sane person would run away from gun shots but here I am walking towards it. I walked past some gym equipment and walked into a small room within the room. I watched as Cole held the gun up, his jaw clenched and his hand gripped on the dark object, then he pulled the trigger and it hit it's target. It's scary how much of a good shot he was. There was a huge cardboard, or whatever material it was, a couple of feet away from him and it had the same pattern as a dart board. He put the gun down on a table besides him and looked towards the door "Are you just gonna stand there?" He asked. I walked in and he looked at them omelet with an eyebrow raised.

"Maria made you breakfast she asked me to give it to you." I told him.

             He looked down at the table, reloaded the gun and then he looked at me, "I'm not hungry. Leave it on the table." I was going to complain about how he's commanding me to do stuff and not even saying please but then I remembered how he had gun; maybe it'd be a much safer option for me to just do as he says. After I had placed his breakfast down I walked towards him. I don't know why but I did.

"Won't people hear the gun shots?"

"It's sound proof." I stood there not moving, "what are you still doing here?"

              "I-" I came to apologise but what was I apologising for I mean he did kidnap me! He should be apologising to me, "I don't know. I'm bored."

"If you're looking for entertainment then you're not getting any here."

"Why are you shooting anyway?"

               "Its a way to get my anger out." Right. "And it's good practice for when we get out there. The police will be chasing us and so will-" He hesitated and I frowned "he"

"Who's 'he'?"

             Cole shook his head, "never mind" he looked down at his gun and then back at me, "come closer." I hesitated but moved slightly closer to him, "want to practice some shooting?" He smirked as my blue eyes widened.

"Um no thanks."

"Come on it might come in handy and it might even be fun."

              "No." I turned to walk away but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me in to him. I tried to push him off but he held me closer and wrapped his arm around my waist tightly. My breathing slightly hitched.

               "It'll be fine." He assured me as he whispered in my ear, "just follow my lead." I sighed and nodded what could go wrong? "Hold the gun up right with your writing hand." I held up my right hand, his hand wrapped around my right one adjusting the gun straight, "focus on the target which is that red dot in the middle." I nodded. He held on to my waist with one hand and turned my body slightly so I was leaning against his chest. "Now shoot." I pulled the trigger and it missed the target.

"I guess I'm just not good."

              "Focus feisty." how can I focus when you're touching me like that? The way he was holding me was intimate, it made me feel nervous. I almost felt like a little school girl with a crush as the butterflies swarmed through my stomach. He wrapped his arm around mine, his other hand left my waist and went towards my hair. He pushed it to the side leaving the right side of my neck exposed to the cool air and then his hand went back to my waist. He pressed his lips close to my ear, I felt his warm breath on my neck, "now shoot," his voice was smooth and husky.  I focused on the target and shot at it and it hit!

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