Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 [edited]

              The first question that popped in to my mind is: where the hell am I? and the second was: where can I phone my uncle? I looked around at the deserted place. I had long gone from the forest and found myself in an unknown street. I wrapped my arms around myself to prevent the cold air from hitting me but that didn't work.

            I looked around and spotted a couple of guys who were huddled next to a little run down shop. I frowned and contemplated whether to go ahead or not. I've seen this too many times in the movies. The girl walks past the guy and she get's harassed by them but this wasn't a movie. What if they're actually decent guys? I looked behind me and sighed; well I can't go back so I took the risk.

              I walked towards them with my head down low and as I took the first step past them I felt eyes all over my body and hid my face behind my hair. "Hey girlie what are you doing out here so late?" One of them asked me trying to get away from here as quick as possible I didn't answer him and continued to walk. I heard footsteps behind me and started walking a bit faster but then something, no someone, grabbed my arm and spun me around. "Hey I was talking to you." I looked up at the guy he had messy dark hair, dark brown eyes and dark stubble's on his face. I felt him look at me and he frowned, "how old are you?" I frowned. 

             He then looked back at his friends and then at me, "you seem too young to be out here by yourself. This isn't a good neighbourhood. You're lucky you run into us." 

"Um... what?" I asked voicing my thoughts.

He chuckled, "You thought that we would hurt you?"

"Well that's what happens in the movies."

He laughed, "this isn't the movies girlie, it's real life."

"Right." I looked at his hand which was still on my arm, "so why did you stop me?"

"I wanted to check what you're doing here. This is a small town and I've never seen you around,"

"I- I'm just passing through."

"More like running but from what?" I looked at him curiously, "or from who? You keep looking back. Are you lost?"

I sighed, "I just- I need to call someone."


"My uncle."

"Not your mum or dad?"

"I-" I cleared my throat, "I don't really have Parents."


"My Uncle's an FBI agent." I added that bit quickly just to make sure which caused him to laugh.

               "Relax I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm Adam and you are?" I didn't respond I didn't want to tell him my name "Alright-y then there's a cafe just down there they'll have a phone for you to use. I'll take you there." 

I frowned at him, "how can I trust you?" 

              He sighed and reached for his pockets please don't be a gun! please! he got out... a wallet? He opened it, got a picture out, smiled at it and showed it to me. It was him with a beautiful women and a girl who looked like she was a similar age to me. "You see this, this is my family. I have a daughter who is about 17. I wouldn't want anyone to hurt my daughter and you remind me of her therefore I would not hurt you." I didn't know this guy but there was something about his words that made me believe him and so I nodded. He released my arm and led me to the cafe.

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