Chapter 21

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.Chapter 21 [edited]

             "Have you got everything?" Cole asked. I looked at the bags and nodded, "great lets make a move."

             After hearing Cole complain about Titanic he instructed me to get an early night in since we'll be on the road all night and I had agreed. We had slept for a while until Cole's alarm went off at 9 pm, he had gone out discreetly to get some fuel, then he woke me up around 9.30. I had persuaded him to wait for a bit so we could take a shower (separately of course) I mean who knows when we're going to take a shower next. I even made Cole shave, he would not look good with a beard growing on his face!

               Cole's plan was to drive to South Dakota tonight. I don't know why he wouldn't just leave it since there's no point in confronting the gang leader, they haven't even got a lead on us yet and I'd rather keep it like. However, Cole had argued that there was a point, which he obviously didn't tell me since he's Cole Kennedy the master of secret keeping. Sometimes I think my life is like a Pretty Little Liars episode, with all this secret keeping. I wonder if Cole is A...

              Cole had grabbed our bag of clothes, food and weapons with him and put them in the back seat while I locked the house door and hid the key. I turned to look at him and sighed, "are you sure you want to drive all the way to South Dakota instead of driving to Pennsylvania? I mean it's not that far." I told him.

He smirked, "trying to get rid of me already, Feisty?"

                 "Trust me I've tried but so far I haven't succeeded this could have been my only chance," He chuckled.

                "I know that it seems like there's no point in us going but there is and you'll find out once we're there so get in the car." I rolled my eyes at him and got into the passenger seat while he sat in the drivers seat and brought the car to life. Welcome back demanding Cole, I still need to adjust to his sudden mood and attitude changes.

              In a way I was kind of happy that we were going to South Dakota because that way I'd get to spend some more time with Cole. I know it sounds stupid since he did kidnap me and he tore me away from my life but I have found myself attached to him during the time we had spent with each other. Then again I also wanted this trip to Pennsylvania to be done and over with. I didn't want to get so attached to Cole because then it would make it much harder to leave him.

"What are you thinking about feisty?" Cole asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

I sighed and slumped into my seat, "nothing," I answered, "just home," I lied.

I swivelled my head to see him nod, "You'll be back with them soon"

             I didn't know how to feel about that; disappointment? Joy? Obviously joy because you'll go back to your normal life my mind told me but did I want to go back to my normal life? "I know,"  We were on the highway now and I was looking around at the lights and the other cars, "Cole?"


"This time let's not stop at a service station or a motel"

              He chuckled, "good idea," he pulled out a cigarette, rolled down the window and somehow lit it while driving and started smoking.

"Do you have to smoke that death stick?"

"Death stick?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

            "Smoking kills it even says it on the damn packet! Oh, and it smells, makes your breath smell and your teeth yellow." Cole chuckled.

"Relax feisty I haven't smoked for a day I think I deserve this one smoke"

I rolled my eyes at him, "Whatever you're the one who's going to die not me."

"Stop being so dramatic,"

"I'll stop when you stop smoking," he sighed, put his cigarette out and threw it out of the window.

"There happy now?" I nodded and grinned at him.

  * * * *

             We have been driving for twenty minutes and to say that I was bored was an understatement, then I got an idea. This is usually the part where a  flashing light bulb appears on top of my head, "Let's play a game!"

I turned my head to see him and he frowned, "a game?"

"Yeah, let's play... I spy!"

"I spy? Isn't that a children's game."

"Hey! I like playing I- Spy."

"Of course you do,"

"What does that mean?"

He smirked, "nothing just start the game"

"Okay... hm I spy with my little eye something beginning with... H!"


"How did you guess that?"

"Because quite frankly feisty you're sort of predictable you always go for the easy stuff,"

"No I don't!"

             "Yes you do," he held a stern expression, "I can tell just by looking at you that you like everything simple and normal, something you're familiar with you never want to take a risk or choose something dangerous and exciting, you want to be safe all the time."

            I couldn't help but think that there was a double meaning behind his words, how could he have picked up all of that just by looking at me? "We're still talking about the game right?"

             He sighed, "yeah" and then a smirk played on his face, "okay my turn I spy..." And now we can welcome back with open arms Cole's mood- changing self.

 * * * *

            I huffed and looked outside the window, "are you still upset that I won?" Cole asked with a playful tone.

"You cheated I know you did!"

"How can you cheat in I Spy?"

           "You probably changed the answer every time I'd guess it right, anyway where the hell did you see a bulldozer?"

Cole chuckled, "I saw it on the side there was a construction site,"

"If there was a bulldozer then I would have seen it,"

"Clearly not,"

"Shut up, you cheated just admit it."


"Cheat," I muttered and he laughed.

 * * * *

               Cole took the exit as I munched on some Walkers crisps I had popped a few into Cole's mouth when he told me to since he couldn't eat and drive himself. A sign caught my eye and it read Welcome to South Dakota. Isn't this where Mount Rushmore is? I've always wanted to see it! Maybe I'll get Cole to take me there for a minute.

Oh snap out it Melissa this isn't a road trip!

                 Oh right, I forgot for a minute. I turned to see Cole and he had a stern look on his face as he stopped the car at the red light, "So Mr Kennedy where are we headed?" I asked him and he didn't reply instead he just sat there staring ahead, "Cole?"

He looked up and sighed "Home"

and then the green light came on.

So what did you guys think of the chapter? Do you like playful Cole or Serious Cole? Comment and vote! 

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