Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 [edited]

              The house was crowded with many of Nate's and Cole's friends, the music was loud and the speakers that were on the walls were thumping. People were drinking and dancing. It felt like a high school party. Cole had introduced me to a couple of his friends but other than that I just stayed besides the food table, I wasn't feeling the party mood.

"You're not having fun." Cole stated as he approached me.

I looked around and sighed, "No. This reminds me of all the parties that Olivia dragged me to."

"Who's Olivia?"

             "My best friend. God, I miss her. I miss my Uncle. I miss everyone." Cole went silent and I looked over at him, he looked as if he was in deep thought. "Anyway, who's this Matt guy you were warning me about?"

             Cole snapped out of his thoughts and looked around in the room, "I can't see him- Oh wait. There he is." He pointed at a guy with curly dark hair that was talking to Nate. I could see the slight resemblance between them. I guess he felt us looking at him because he turned his head to look at us. His eyes then settled on me and he smirked. "And now he's seen you."

I looked over at Cole "So?"

"That smirk means one thing. He wants you."

"How could you possibly know this?"

"I grew up with the guy. I taught him a few things."

"Like that smirk thing?" Cole smirked and I got my answer.

              "Shit. He's coming over." I suddenly realised then how protective Cole was of me when it came to Matt and in a way it was sort of sweet. "Just follow my lead okay." I nodded. Cole then suddenly wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him, the sudden action caused me to gasp and I frowned. Is this part of the plan?

                "Cole!" A deep male voice called and I saw that it was Matt. There was no denying that he was attractive with his dark curly hair and blue eyes, he looked innocent but looks can be deceiving. I mean if you were to look at Cole then you would think he's an average guy who was in college or something between those lines. If I didn't know Cole then I would have never suspected that he was a criminal on the run. Maybe I'd even have a little crush on him? Never judge a book by it's cover.

"...Yeah it has been quite long." Cole's voice snapped me back into reality.

Matt looked over at me and smirked, "And who's this?"

                I looked at Cole and then I answered, "Melissa." Cole pulled me in closer and Matt frowned as he saw Cole's arms wrapped around my waist.

"My girlfriend." Cole added. My eyes widened Girlfriend?

               "Oh. Well in that case I'll leave you guys alone." Matt then walked away and I frowned. Well that was easy.

"That was easy." Cole stated, "A bit too easy."

I rolled my eyes at him "Well I'm just happy he's gone." Cole nodded "Um...Cole?"


                 "Can you let go of me now?" Cole frowned and then looked at his arms which were still wrapped around me and let go. I smiled and walked away.

                                                                                       * * *

              The party was now in full swing, people were drunk, making out in the corner, grinding on each other. Almost felt like a night club. I was trying to find myself out of this crowded maze until someone stumbled on me laughing. "Whoops sorry." A familiar voice slurred.

"Matt?" I asked.

He looked at me, "Melissa." He then laughed, frowned and then groaned, "I feel so sick."

    "Yeah you're really drunk. Maybe you should lie down."

He laughed "No. I'm at a party we don't lie down." He then stumbled slightly and held on to me.

                 "Maybe I should take you to a room." He wrapped his arm across my neck and I helped him climb up the stairs and dragged him into the first room in sight. I walked in and Matt released me from his grip, he stumbled slightly causing the door to close.

"I feel sick." He groaned and clutched his stomach.

             "Maybe you need some water." I looked around and saw that there was a mini- fridge in the room. I looked in and luckily there was a water bottle in there. I handed it to him, he took it and sipped the water. He then put it down and looked at me.

               He came right next to me "You have really nice eyes." I could smell his beer breathe and I tried not to cringe in front of him.

                   "Thanks. Maybe you should lie down. I'm gonna leave now." Before I could move he put an arm around my waist securely and held me in place. What the hell! "What the hell. Let go-" Matt placed his lips on mine and started kissing me. The kiss was wrong and horrible. I tried to push him off of me but that resulted in me getting pushed against wall. He was too strong for me. I tried to knee him but it didn't work. His hand went to the hem of my dress pulling it up slightly. I squirmed and tried to push him off as I felt his hand on my thigh. This cannot be happening. I heard something slam and all of a sudden Matt was pulled off of me. 

                I saw a furious looking Cole who was glaring down at Matt. Cole was a few inches taller than Matt giving him a more intimidating posture, which was scary. I was catching my breath from that horrible kiss. Cole grabbed Matt by the collar, "What the fuck do you think you were doing?" Cole screamed at Matt.

                 Matt laughed "Having some fun," He replied and that earned him a punch on the face and he fell to the floor. Cole then picked him up again, pushed him against the wall and punched him rapidly, causing his nose to bleed and it will probably leave him with a big bruise in the morning. I knew that I had to stop Cole from killing the guy. But I couldn't move I was in shock.

           What would have happened if Cole hadn't come? Would I have been raped? Oh god! I would have been raped! I would have lost my virginity through rape! I saw Matt run to the corner of the room and he started vomiting. I felt like breaking down there and then. I needed someone. I needed a shoulder to cry on. I needed comfort. I looked at Cole and did something that none of us would have expected.

I hugged him and cried on his shoulder and you know what was even weird?

Cole hugged me back. I know he kidnapped me and held a gun to my head but right now he was my source of comfort and for some odd reason it felt kind of right. 

Picture: Cover by _Primadonna

It's short I know I'm sorry.   Hope you liked this chapter. You got to see Cole's protective side :) If you feel like I'm rushing the story please tell me. Next chapter we get Kevin's P.O.V! COMMENT AND VOTE :D

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