Chapter 35

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Chapter 35 [edited]

Cole's P.O.V

"You're sure this is their base?" Kevin asked from the passenger seat.

"Yes," I answered, "this is their only base in California,"

"Okay. Let's go over the plan one more time," Olivia said from the back seat.

"I still don't think it's a good idea for you to get involved, Olivia," Kevin told her.

         "Please she may be your niece," and then she looked at me, "and your girlfriend or whatever but she's my best friend and I'm not going to just stay at home and do nothing about it." I have to give the girl some props, she's very loyal. "So let's go over the plan one more time,"

      "Okay," I started, "Kevin and the rest of the force stay hidden around the forest. I'll go in act like I'm on my own and I'll make my way through them and get to Derek. While I distract Derek Olivia you will sneak in through the back door and get Melissa, she may be guarded but not heavily so use the gun if you need to. Then Kevin will charge in with the other officers with your signal Olivia, which is a text message, then you guys arrest everyone. . "

Olivia nodded, "and if it doesn't go according to plan?"

          "Then we do what anyone else would do," Kevin answered, "we improvise, if you don't text me in about twenty to thirty minutes then we're barging in"

     "Sounds like a plan," I dropped Kevin off by the forest, which was only five minutes away but it kept the police hidden. We would have been here earlier but for the plan to work we had to wait until dark to rescue Melissa, the dark clothing came to an advantage for us as we blended into the night. I then drove the car around the corner and me and Olivia walked towards the base, she went a different way from me and I approached the base slowly trying to keep my presence hidden.

    There was two men leaning against a tree and smoking; I put the gun out and shot them dead, the gun silencer was on and I used the bullets and gun given by the police. Currently, I had two guns on me and a load of bullets. I then walked towards the actual warehouse, the place was guarded. I felt someone tap my shoulder I turned around to see a guy who was frowning at me before he could say anything I punched him knocking him unconscious. I then looked around, Derek must be inside. I peered and saw Olivia looking around and then she was hidden from sight. I hope this goes according to plan.

    It's strange I couldn't leave Melissa on her own when we were on our little road trip and now here she even gets into trouble on her own. That girl is a serious danger magnet. I shook my head and cleared my thoughts as I slowly walked towards the warehouse keeping myself hidden but then I stepped on a twig.

    Yes, a twig is going to be the one thing that kills me.  "Ah fuck," I swore under my breath. I heard footsteps and chatter and I knew that they were coming in my direction so I did the smartest thing that come into my mind. No I didn't hide instead I confronted about seven armed men by myself. Yep, I'm so smart. 

 "Look who we have here boys" A man taunted, "Cole Kennedy in the flesh."

    I smirked," isn't this nice? A small gathering for me. Too bad it has to end so soon." I shot the first guy in front of me and he fell to the floor. Everything was still for a minute and then a guy tried to shoot at me.

Olivia's P.O.V

       I managed to sneak into the warehouse and wow was it dark in here but luckily the dark clothing helped to blend in. I looked ahead of me to see Melissa tied to a chair with a tall guy stood besides her, he had a big gun in his arms and he swaying back and forth. Great.

    I got my gun out and the silencer was on, I haven't had much training with a gun so if I get this shot right then it'll be a miracle. I held the gun and mentally encouraged myself Okay Olivia you can do this, just shoot the guy... and if you mess up then this whole plan will fail and you'll probably end up getting killed. Great encouragement brain.

   I held the gun up and took a chance. I pulled the trigger and it hit him at the middle of his back which means the bullet must have gone through his chest, the guy dropped to the floor and Melissa gasped, she looked behind at me with surprise, "Olivia?" She asked in a harsh whisper.

"Yes," I whispered back and approached her I started untying her hands, "why are we whispering?"

"Derek could be around," I had untied her hand and now I had to untie her feet


    "The gang leader," I untied her feet and she looked at me, "Olivia there's something you should know about Derek,"

    "Now is not the time let's go," I grabbed her hand and dragged her outside with me. We managed to make it outside and I pushed her to hid behind a tree with me, "Cole is here causing a distraction and your uncle will be here soon to arrest these guys."

Melissa nodded, "Olivia you didn't tell Luke about this did you?"

    "What? No. Why?" She didn't say anything, "Seriously Mel, why are you talking about Luke right now when our lives are in danger?"

"Listen to me Olivia okay?" I nodded, "I know you're in love with this guy but he's not good," I frowned.

"I know you haven't liked him-"

"No, Olivia, listen, Luke is actually-"

    "Derek," A male voice finished, a familiar male voice. I looked up to see familiar blonde haired guy with blue eyes.

        "Luke?!" To say I was confused would be an understatement. Luke is actually Derek who is a gang leader that's planning on killing Cole and possibly the rest of us? I'm in love with a criminal. I gasped and he smirked.

"Hello Olivia," he gave me a smug grin, "get them boys."

 GIF: Luke/ Derek

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