Part- 1

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It was heavily raining in Mandeok-dong A small village of Busan, it was not a rainy season but the rain was not stopping itself from pouring the entire day.

It was 7.30pm when Jeon Areum the wife of The Chief Commander Jeon Seok Heon of Busan Empire got into labor, as she was 9 months pregnant but the weather was making it difficult for any doctor to visit the house.

Their maid kang Misoo who lived with them due to Mrs. Jeon's pregnancy tried to find any doctor nearby but failed miserably, she was so scared due to her masters health so she did what she had to!

" We don't have much time manim we have to deliver the baby, you are loosing you consciousness " Misoo said as she entered the house looking horrified as soon as she saw the condition of Areum,
" Don't worry misoo-ya my pup is a fighter just like his alpha dad"
" But you are looking so pale as a omega you must need to be near your alpha right now but because of weather Alpha is late today"
"Aaahhh... Misoo suddenly it's h-hurting so m-much"
"Take deep breath and try to push the pup manim i am bringing hot water for you okay"
"C-come fast misoo-ya"
1 hour passed like this with loud screams and heavily pouring rain.
" One more push manim i can see the head of the baby push harder"
" I-i can't m-misoo-ya aaah"
" Just try a little more for the pup"
"Aaahh it's p-paining so m-much"
"Just a little more manim"
"Aaa... "
" Manim pup is healthy, it's a omega boy"
" Alpha will be very happy after hearing the news"
"Of course he will everyone knows how much he adore omega pup" Misoo said while admiring the pup,
" Let me see my pup misoo-ya"
" Of course manim"
Misoo put the pup in front of Areum and Areum has tears of joy in her eyes as she didn't believe how beautiful their angle is looking with his big doe eye, with red cheeks and pouty lips.
" Let me feed my pup Misoo-ya"
" Let me clean him manim then you can feed him until then take rest, you must be really tired"
" As you say but bring him as soon as possible I am already missing my pup"
Areum was really tired, child birth is not easy process to deal with, as Areum was taking rest Mr. Jeon entered their room drench in water!
" Oh my god What happen Areum? Why are you looking so pale? I was late due to rain is everything okay? Why am I smelling another strong omega scent here? Did someone came? Where is misoo? " Mr. Jeon bombard Areum with question and she was just smiling looking at her concerned mate with heart eyes!
" My silly alpha at least let me talk I am fine, I am looking pale because I just gave birth to our pup and the other scent you were talking about it's our pup's, yes Moon Godess bless us with a Omega boy as you always wished for" Areum said with tears of joy in her eyes and Seok Heon was stunned to even speak!
" Is it true Areum-ah? where is our pup?"
" Misoo took him to clean"
" Misoo-ya"
" Yes Alpha coming" Misoo came running with the little fluff ball in her hands
Areum said, " If Misoo wasn't here today I would've died, because of her me and our pup is alive, Thank you Misoo"
Mr. Jeon was too grateful of Misoo after listening how she helped Areum during the birth process so he took his jade ring and give it to Misoo " Thank you Misoo i will not forget what you did today I will always help you if you ever need any help in your life and take this as a token of our gratitude "
Misoo was crying by now " I am grateful Alpha that i am serving you so no need to say thanks it was my duty and i am grateful that manim and the pup is good in health"
Mr. Jeon said smiling " Now give my prince to me i wanna see my omega pup"
" Of course Alpha here" Misoo said and handed the omega to her father who been with joy after smelling his father near!
Normally Omega's are fond of their Alpha parents As they find comfort And feel protected in their presence so it's not coincidence that the omega found peace in his father's embrace.
Mr. Jeon was looking at his precious as Areum said " Enough now give my pup to me i couldn't even see him properly, I need to feed him too he must be hungry"
As Mr. Jeon gave up and hand him over to his mother " Of course my love"
Misoo was observing them with heart eyes " Manim, Alpha I should take my leave it's getting late and i really want to visit my mother today"
Mr. Jeon said "yes! It's getting late you can go now but dont forget to come tomorrow morning"
Misoo said smiling " Of course Alpha i will come on time, see you tomorrow manim take rest ".
After Misoo left Jeon couple had their little happy time with their new fluff ball then drifted to dreamland without thinking about the future clouds which starts appear as soon as the Omega Boy born in their home.

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