part 13

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The Commander Chief was in the court room of the palace as his majesty wants to see him so he was waiting patiently, he didn't know anything about his wife going to Qing Dynasty or his pup being in the palace or anything about crown Prince's and kookie's bond how can he? he was so busy past few months he rarely visited home, don't blame him but he is loyal to his soil after all generation wise Jeon's are serving the Royal Family so its his first priority to make sure the boarders and his people are safe.

Empress fortunately had a conversation about everything with her Alpha the Majesty and he was shocked knowing all of this but he had to be strong to talk with Mr. Jeon about everything so he decided to talk with him so here he was sitting in all his glory with his Empress by his side "Seok Heon-ah as a hyung i want to discuss some matters with you don't be too shocked as I was also unaware of everything but yesterday Jae Hee told me some truths that i was unaware of, do you know Areum have Heart disease and she is in Qing Dynasty now with Misoo? as our Tae arranged her trip few days back"
It was a great shock for Jeon Seok Heon , " W..what are you saying h..hyung My Areum-ah what happened to her and b..bub where is h..he?"he said shaking with fear although the entire empire fear Jeon Seok Heon but he is also a husband and father how can he not fear the lose of his mate how can he not worry when he doesn't even know where his mate is and what happened to their pup!
" Seok Heon-ah kookie is here in the palace don't worry about him I would suggest you should visit Qing to accompany Areum, bub is safe here with us"
" Oh my God my Areum is sick and i didn't even knew she was suffering how irresponsible mate I can be i didn't even gave my pup the love he deserves he must be devastated without his mother I am such a terrible husband and father"
" You were serving your soil with loyalty and Areum can't be more grateful for that you are a loving and caring mate Seok Heon-ah , you were busy for few months and this happened it's not your fault and kookie is really fine he is near Taehyung so don't worry "
" Still Hyung i should take responsibility for my family can i visit Qing hyung? Areum must be terrifying but i can't take kookie to that far land what should I do? "
" Seok Heon-ah you can go I will arrange everything for you and about kookie he can stay with us and about this I want to talk to you"
"What is it hyung? "
" Kookie baby is Tae's mate Heon-ah "
" W..what? "
" Yes! remember Areum left 4 years ago when you visited palace for the first time after kookie's birth this is the reason she left but your son is rare white wolf who can't be away from his alpha or his wolf will die slowly so we can't let them live separately"
Seok Heon was shocked with every details and thinking why Areum never mentioned anything to him, while he was processing Empress Jae Hee said, " Oppa i know it's a lot to process but kookie is safe with us and unni also want him to stay here you can accompany Unni without any worry kookie is also our son"
" I know Jae Hee but kookie is very small how can Our Tae is his Alpha what about their future what if Tae don't want to wait for my pup"
His Majesty replied, " You are forgetting Tae is my Son he and his wolf is loyal toward his omega! he cant bear any other omega or wolf near him only your son can make him calm even in this age. I am promising you kookie will become the Luna of Busan. "
" I think now I can accompany my wife, I am trusting you hyung and Jae hee please take care of my bun"
" Oppa don't worry I will protect them from everything rest assured "
Jeon Seok Heon met his pup before leaving for a while then left for Qing and few days passed as kookie is in the palace everyone adore him as he is a social butterfly and his health is also getting better he is more bubbly now of course he miss him eomma but he will come soon right? So no worries

For Tae the most difficult time was when he saw his pup is playing with everyone he needs to control his wolf as he was very possessive but the more difficult thing is when they sleep together cuddling well Taehyung don't, kookie bury his nose on the Alpha's neck and sleep on his chest as he said " I likesh alphaa lotsss, and you smelll shoo good"
And the Alpha well he have to suffer he want to cuddle the omega but he is scared what if he hurt the pup, he was still so little he just let the omega feel his warmth and of course his Alpha is somewhat content.

Recently Alpha was talking to his father about the Omega's study and he want his omega to attend their pack school and train there physically too so he can protect himself from any danger as a Luna he should be capable to face every challenge in every situation this is what Tae told his Father and now he needs to talk to Kookie about the school he needs to inform him before he start attending the school, so here he is thinking about how he can make the omega agree.
" Bub"
" Tae Tae come look I made a sand toy noona helped me this looks like Tae tae"
" Wah you are growing fast, this is so pretty"
The omega crawled up to Tae and Tae lift her from the ground, "you know today I missed you, one Alpha was trying to pick kookie but i said NO. he looks scary"
He said pouting and Tae was fuming hearing this and asked gaurds about the details and the gaurds informed him it was a warrior gaurd from main gate so he ordered " No Alpha can touch my pup! you heard it if anyone try to touch him I will make them suffer the worst death possible make sure no one touch kookie except royals".
" Y..yes, Seja jeoha" The gaurd said trembling, everyone in the palace knew how angry Taehyung can be, when he is furious no one dare to talk to him and when it's about the new pup he was hella possessive some suspect it's because he was Her Majesty's nephew as Mr. Jeon and her wife is away he is living here but no one knew he is their future Luna except the Royals.

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