part 5

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Taehyung nodded his head and said to his father, " Don't worry Abamama we will go and fetch them to the palace but why after two days? " Majesty replied, " Aunt Areum is still fragile she needs some time to heal so doctor suggested her to take rest for some time" Taehyung digest the information with his big eyes and wide open mouth and said" Okay then we will take our leave Abamama"
After getting out of the court room he rushed towards his room as his yumo was waiting there and hobi took his leave to get some rest in his quater.


Taehyung's pov

Why I am constantly thinking about the omega baby? she is probably like other omegas! I mean I like Areum aunt soo much but it would have been better if the baby is Alpha we would train together and I would've get a little dongseng to trust with, anyway where is yumo?

As I entered my room i saw yumo was folding my royal robes, she is always busy doing works here and there but whenever I need her she is always by my side as I don't have many people to talk to! you can say the palace is huge with thousands of people but still I feel lonely most of the time....

" Yumo can I ask you something? "
"Of course crown prince ",
" I told you many time call me Tae but you never listen to me"
" It's out of habit Tae now tell yumo what is bothering your little brain"
" Sooo......I was thinking do you know about Aunt Areum's newborn baby? Abamama said me and hobi hyung needs to accompany them when they will visit palace after two days" Tae said
" Of course Tae! your Misoo noona told me about the newborn pup she said the baby is a pure angle so beautiful and he smells so sweet even just after his birth"
" He! what do you mean 'he' Abamama said the baby is a omega so it must be 'she' right? " Tae asked with his big eyes as he was digesting the new information
" No Taehyung-ah it's a omega boy! Don't you know about omega boys that they exist?"
" I just met omega girls so I didn't know that omega males also exist"
" So let me tell you Omega Boys are really fragile more than omega girls but they are much more attractive and kind than the omega girls but they are so rare because they can bare the most strongest pup so it's very dangerous for omega boys out there"

Unknowingly Tae clenched his fist as the mention of danger for the pup and he felt somehow protective towards the newborn pup and took a note to talk to Uncle Seok Heon about the pup's security.

" So little bean is also pretty like angle and smell good? I don't really get along with Omega's as you know yumo but I will try to make a bond with the pup"

Both smiled satisfactorily


Jeon House Hold

Jeon Seok Heon took few days off to spend some time with his family and Areum is also getting better with the time and the little bean well he is mischievous you can say he always entertain the Jeon house hold whenever the pup is awake and they decided the name Jeon Jungkook for the pup but they call him kookie all the time.

" Areum, hyung told us to visit the palace can you go there without any difficulties? You are not healed totally you know! "
" It's okay Alpha I will get to see Jae Hee there I really missed her and our pup he will also meet Tae and Hobi, I am really excited Alpha"
" You are always exited my love but you were never exited when I am home"
" You are my peace Alpha why would I get exited when I am with you I am happy whenever you are near and you know our kookie can't even sleep without you nowadays whenever you are not home going to market or for any work he cry alot! When you will join the force it will be difficult for me to handle kookie"
" I know love but what to do work is important but you can come to palace I guess now that we have kookie he can also spent time with Tae and Hobi"
" I was also thinking the same"
As they were talking Misoo entered the house with warm water as it's time to bath their fluff ball, "Manim it's time for baby to take a bath,you take some rest I will do the work"
" Again Thank you Misoo "
" Manim mother told me that you are visiting the palace after two days can i get along? Actually I am missing mother and as you know her health is also not good so I just want to check on her"
" Of course you can tag along, it's been a long since I saw Mrs. Kang"
" She returned to the palace today morning, she heard about our kookie and she wanted to visit but as she was not in good health she avoided being near the little pup"
" Don't worry I get it so we need to make some gifts for Jae hee and Majesty as we are visiting after so many months, Misoo-ya please prepare some gifts and sweets after giving a proper bath to our baby"
" Sure Manim"

Misoo already packed some gifts and sweets as she knew her Manim will tell her the same and she was also exited to get to meet her mother!
They only have each other so The mother-daughter bond is so strong as being Omega it was Tough, That is when the Majesty recruit her Mother as Imperial wet nurse and Areum took Misoo under her Wings! Both the families are like living God for The Mother and Daughter, they can do anything for them.

Emperor's Moon White Omega | TAEKOOKUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum