Part- 30

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It was Friday morning Koo is sitting in his Alpha's room while staring at the outside view from the balcony, it's been three days he didn't see his Taetae. When he came to the palace for the first time it was only his Taetae who made him laugh, took care of him, carry him around, play with him as he didn't have any friend back then, it's the first time the Alpha is away from him and his heart is aching for the Alpha.

Jungkook is still immature and childish so it's natural to feel sad being away from his Favorite person but the pain his wolf facing is immeasurable, he was eagerly waiting for the weekend as his eomma said Tae will visit him every weekend and stay for two days.

At Sigangwon

Tae was trying to adjust himself in the new environment, because of his Alpha nature he never had a lot of friends just few close ones so he doesn't have any friend in Sigangwon yet well except Jin, he spent most of his time in practice and after that the omega visits him few times they spent some times together. Tae like the time when he was with jin, the omega is very mature yet mischief, very shy yet bold and his scent kind of relax Tae. It was the first time that his wolf relax in some other omega's scent except Koo.

For Tae Jin is a friend with whom he feels comfortable, the omega gives him homely vibe, he was like a brother for him whom Tae wanna protect and for Seok Jin Tae is a friend who listens to him and share his worries, it's like he got a big brother whom Jin can rely on. Tae is like a family to him.

The bond they share is very pure but the fellow members of Sigangwon observe them with different point of view and very soon gossips about them started and they blame Seok Jin for seducing only young Prince and try to become the Luna to have a easy life, Tae as always never give much importance to the gossips and Seok Jin never cared about what people talks about him but Empress Jae Hee knew about every details. She is not only a responsible and ideal Empress, she is also a responsible mother and she will talk to Tae once he returns for weekend.

Tae have advance training this weekend as he is a late comer so he have to learn faster so he can join others and that's why he can't visit Palace this weekend and beleive me when I say this Tae and his wolf both felt like they might collapse for a second. Tae is a strong trueblood Alpha but he can't stay away from his Omega. He promised himself and his little Omega to visit Palace every weekend and now it's only the first weekend and he can't even visit the palace! His heart is breaking at this point.

Tae's wolf has been really worried but he somehow managed to make him calm thinking they would visit the Palace this weekend but now his wolf is very angry at Tae and himself as they can't do anything but to stay here. He is craving his omega near and its driving the trueblood crazy.

Busan Royal Palace-

" Jae Hee what did Tae said he is coming today right?"
" U-unni actually i-i heard he is n-not coming this W-weekend "
" You know how kookie is acting weird from past few days, can't Tae come for few hours I am really worried for our Koo Jae Hee"
" Unni believe me I would drag him here if I could, I am also worried for Koo but it's all about Sigangwon's rules I can't do anything except waiting."
" Jae Hee are you sure it's all about rules and practice or there's something else? As well as I know our Tae,he can't be away from Koo for very long but he is not coming the very first weekend they got separated is something I am worried for."
" Unni everything is okay there's nothing to worry about I know my son and he knows about his priority don't worry, I will send a letter to Tae about your concern"

Jae Hee assured worried Areum but she is more worried about the rumours, is Tae really spending time with a Omega? Because her son doesn't like omega's in general as he can't seem to relax in their presence so what's special about this particular Omega? She will know for sure. Or the said Omega is the reason for Tae's absence in the Palace? well she hope it's not the case because if this is the case then she needs to talk with her son about this very topic.

Koo got the news of Tae not coming this weekend and he didn't take this news lightly his wolf is feeling rejected and betrayed by everyone around him, jimin visited him after hearing about his friend being sick from their teacher but didn't get to meet him as Koo doesn't want anybody near him for now.

Koo isolated himself and nobody knows how to handle him.

Hoseok went to nearest borders for past two days so he didn't know about the entire situation and as soon as he got to know about Koo he visited Tae's chamber knowing very well that the Omega must be in his Alpha's chamber.

" Koo bun it's your hobi hyung can i come in?"

There's no response so he pushed the door and entered the room

The view melted his heart Koo was sleeping clutching Tae's dress-shirt and mumbling incoherent words.
Hoseok slowly approach the younger
" Bub are you okay?" He sat on the bed near Koo trying to comfort the younger
But Koo clutch his hand instead and snuggle more to Hoseok's Lap and asked in sleepy voice " Alpha miss you" And this words sure did something to Hoseok's heart but he let that pass for now.

Hi guys it's been a while I updated and I am really sorry for that, the work load is heavy these days. Hope to uupdate soon.

Don't forget to tell me about the chapter in comments💜

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