part - 19

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Empress Dwager was quite for very long time and in the midst of chaos she was planning to put her weapon in use maybe it's the last chance she have to survive and rule.

Areum was quite absent minded when she was taking kookie to Seja Jeoha's room as Koo was not feeling alright, the servants of Jeon Quarters doesn't have any idea about Crown Prince rut so they didn't hesitate before guiding Areum to Taehyung's chamber.
They didn't see anyone in the passage before servants react to the situation Areum opened the door and met with heavy pheromones of Trueblood Alpha as she was Mated she didn't get affected much but the atmosphere got heavy and difficult for her to breathe.
She didn't seem to notice when kookie ran towards the Alpha as soon as he got Taehyung's scent and getting the whiff of Kookie, Tae grab kookie's arms and hug her tightly, koo was whimpering because of the tightness and tried to free himself and that's when Tae mistakenly used his Alpha voice "MOON" it was a warning for the omega to not struggle

As Areum was regaining her calm she heard a loud growl
and the sight in front on her made her speechless and shocked...kookie was struggling in Taehyung's hold And Tae was shirtless sweating heavily with his red eyes, he was tightly hugging kookie and trying to get some scent from his mates scent gland but kookie seem to get scared, well why not he was still a kid and don't know what's happening to him as his usual sweet Taetae why crushing him into his Arms!

Tae started to touch koo below the waist that is when Areum pulled his son from the Alpha and koo started crying the mix feelings of Taehyung maling him surrender and panic before Tae Attacked the Mother-son duo locked the door the Servants and Guards of Jeon quater became shocked as Areum was shaking clutching koo in his hold who was crying and hiccuping.
One of the servant incharge came running hearing the commotion "Manim what happened why are you shaking?"
" Empress NOW"
The servants informed Jae Hee immediately about the Commotion and she came running, she knew something bad had happened because Tae was in  Rut and ko ok was near.

The door of Taehyung's chamber was banging from inside and only one word is heard "Omega" He needs his Mate his Omega!

Taehyung pov-

'No no why can't I controll myself V hurt my pup I know he hurt him I will not let him take charge but how to surpress these urges' he managed to break through V and tried to maintain his composure and said "Aa..unt Areu..m Tt...ake koo f..rom hereee hurryyy"
'I will save you pup I will not harm you sorry pup so sorry'.

V was suffering a lot more than Tae as V took charge of everything to not let his human getting hurt, so most the pain was dealing by V and he was craving his omega to no end, so when he got the whiff of his mate he totally lost control.

As soon as Areum heard the Alpha she rushed towards her quarters in the back of her head she knew the Alpha dont want to hurt her pup but the Mother instinct don't wanna listen to anyone she cradle koo in her lap and trying to calm her by her pheromones, koo also seeks for her scent to calm himself down from the chaos she just witnessed.

Empress came running to Jeon Quater she loved her son but kookie is also important for her as soon as she heard about the incident she didn't think of anything and just needed to see kookie safe!
"Unniii... Where is bubb?" She said when she didn't see kook near his mother
"Jae Hee he is shivering I just put him under the covers come inside" She took Empress Jae Hee's hand and take her towards the master bedroom
Jungkook was shivering and trying to get some comfort from the warm quilt. He needs something, something inside him was stirring for the Alpha but his mind couldn't recognise it.
" My bub what happened tell me I will scold Tae how can he hurt my puppy"
Jae Hee said as she sat on the bed and trying to hug the shivering pup in her warm embrace
The worries are evident in Areum's face
"Noooo...Alpha is in painnn.." Koo said rubbing his face on Jae Hee's scent gland may be trying to get some comfort.
"He hurt you still you don't wanna complain about him?" Jae Hee asked shocked.
"No taetae was hugging Koo he did not hurt me" Koo said trying to calm himself in the presence of Omega's
Jae Hee and Areum both shared a knowing look.
They knew the wolf is suffering as his Alpha is in pain but they are helpless and praying to Moon Godess for the mates wellbeing.

Tae was screaming he was in the verge of Losing his consciousness. His wolf was trying to release but Tae has no idea how to do that as he never masterbate and thinking about his koo in that way was like a sin to him.

On the other side Empress Dwager was preparing Ma Eum for the night she planned to put the Omega in the Royal Chamber of Crown Prince. If Ma Eum succeeded to get Pregnant by Tae, she is going to have a smooth lane in putting Ma Eum as next Empress of  Busan

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