Chapter 18

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Maddox POV

It feels like something I said pissed Theo off, but I don't know what.

His mood was good and then suddenly he became quiet, something I've picked up on when he either overthinking something, or when he's down about something that I said to him.

It was starting to annoy me, this guy's emotions shifted constantly.

Something was clearly bothering him, and it wasn't about this Eric guy, or else he would've said something when the police left, so then, what the fuck was it?

It couldn't be about the relationship talk we had, could it? What I said wasn't anything to be upset about, I was only saying how it was, and it was the truth.

Theo is still in school, almost in university, I was going to be too busy training to even, even if we got into a relationship, what would be the point? He'd be busy studying and I would be in and out of the country constantly.

There was also the fact that I didn't date, ever.

Long distance relationships didn't work, why would Theo even want to go through that, when things were fine between us right now? -maybe it's because he's younger, he doesn't know what he wants.

Either way, he's the only one I want to have sex with, shouldn't that be enough?

Even so, he's being too fucking quiet, and if there was more to this then I rather talk about it now than later, if I've learned anything in my 31 years, it's that it's better to get it all out in the opening, before it gets worse.

"Should I try your parents again?" I asked Theo, sitting three seats away from me on the sofa.

He looked over to me and for a moment, I felt like I shouldn't have asked as his expression turned sour, almost like I overstepped.

"No... they... they're probably busy packing." He muttered out, looking away from me.

Packing? "You're moving houses or something?"

It went quiet for a moment, before Theo smiles weakly at me, with a sad expression on his face.

"They're getting a divorce and have sold the house, I have three days to pack and find a place in the city... they won't pick up, even if I rang them... so don't bother." He says, his sad eyes shifting from mine to the TV.

Fucking hell, no wonder he's been in a mood, his fucking parents just dropped a bomb on him out of the blue, of-course he's going to be upset about it.

Maddox, you insensitive asshole.

So, he must move all his shit in 3 days or less, and find a place to live? Who the fuck springs that on their kid like that? It's almost like they don't give a shit about Theo.

"Do you need any help?" I asked, feeling guilty for my earlier thoughts.

"I know a guy whose looking for someone to take over his apartment, while he goes traveling with his girlfriend for two months, it should give you more than enough time to find a place of your own, while saving a few bucks."

He looks at me and smiles, not a faked or forced smile, an actual genuine smile.

"Thanks... that'd be helpful." He said, his cheeks tinted with pink.

"I'll give you, his number." I said, grabbing my phone to send Chris, a quick text.

Theo looked a lot better after the shower, his legs and stomach still hurt, apart from that, the meds the doctor left seemed to have helped him a lot.

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